
December 23, 2010

Tap into Inspiration and Desire

This is already done for you if you're doing your Daily Target Task List (writing out an objective target and the steps or task to attain it each day).

Of your Major Targets that are outlined, we ask you to write what fires you up about these things … and we also ask you to review these things on a daily basis.

Lastly, create an Ultimate Life goal. That's the foundation of what will inspire you.



All the Best,


Be A Champion - Let's Do It

December 21, 2010

Want Want Want

In Proverbs chapter 21 verses five says...

5The thoughts of the diligent tend only to plenteousness; but of every one that is hasty only to want.


Being diligent tends to plenteousness… let's break this down!




plentiful; copious; abundant: a plenteous supply of food.


yielding abundantly; fruitful: a plenteous harvest.


If you are diligent in your business, your job, or anything it will lead to abundance, fruitfulness.  However, that is hasty they tend only to want!


–adjective, hast·i·er, hast·i·est.


moving or acting with haste; speedy; quick; hurried.


made or done with haste or speed: a hasty visit.


unduly quick; precipitate; rash: a hasty decision.


brief; fleeting; slight; superficial: a hasty glance.


impatient; impetuous; thoughtless; injudicious: hasty words.


easily irritated or angered; irascible: a hasty temper.


When I was younger, I wanted to do everything fast.  It's not wise; and my want of things grew, I wanted everything… want, want, want, and had nothing, nothing, nothing.  So remember Proverbs chapter 21 verses 5 whenever you get hasty; especially without being diligent.



All the Best,


Let's do it - Be a Champion - Be A Champion - Let's Do It

December 20, 2010

See Through Someone Else’s Eyes

Always try to understand the point of view of others.  Walk in their shoes for a second…

This doesn't mean you have to agree with them or that they are correct. The habit of trying to see through someone else's eyes in itself is a great mental exercise that promotes mental flexibility.

Simultaneously, it makes your interactions with people less stressful because you will become less frustrated when they don't agree with you or understand you.

An added benefit is that people will love you because everyone is trying to be understood. While everyone else is struggling to be understood, you will stand out by being the person that understands them.



All the Best,


Let's do it - Be a Champion -

December 19, 2010

Turn Off the Deleter

Whenever we come up with ideas, there is a part of us that says "that's stupid."  It's nothing because the idea came from you, right?  WRONG!

The problem is, this turns off our creativity by negatively rewarding any new creative ideas.

When you have ideas, jot them down in your note pad, record it on your smart phone, or if you signed up for a simpleology account you get a free device to record and store all your ideas, called the dream catcher.  Your ideas are good, even golden, do yourself a favor and don't judge them.


Sometimes ideas that seem immediately stupid on the surface actually end up being brilliant.


Be A Champion - Let's Do It