
December 10, 2010

Eat Junk Food if You Must

If you are going to break your diet and your discipline and eat junk – go ahead and go for it – let yourself have it – HOWEVER promise to do this procedure first before you do:


  1. Drink a glass of water … the full eight ounces (preferably with colloidal or plant derived minerals 1 ounce) you can get premium plant derived minerals by going to those are the best on the planet and for less than 20 bucks you are not going to beat that.  Okay enough of my plug… water and minerals
  2. AND Wait 10 minutes …
  3. If you still want your junk, you can either eat a big garden salad (with very little dressing – just enough to make it taste good) and a bit of protein if that's in your diet.   Or you can get a good whey protein shake, has a good one and Suzanne Somers makes a great protein shake.  What I do is take the shake, mix it in milk and sugar free ice cream, maybe throw an egg in there and I'm usually good for 6 hours…
  4. Wait 10 more minutes …
  5. If you still want your junk eat it.  Chances are you won't because of the water, salad or protein and you'll begin to eliminate junk food out of your life for good.


In most cases, this will prevent you from even wanting it and at worst you'll eat much less. Further, the greens and protein will lessen some of the negative impact from the junk. The beauty of this is that it eliminates the "I can't ever have this" desperation that sets in from extreme dieting.


Join my email list to the right and get additional information on minerals and whey protein.



All the Best,


December 9, 2010

Get a Full Night’s Sleep Every Night

You know how lack of sleep makes you feel. It's not just making you feel bad, it's also damaging your body (and possibly your mind), by not giving you sufficient time to recover.  


A full night of sleep does not necessarily mean 8 hours, 10 hours, or 12 hours.  It simply means get enough that your body is requiring of you.


I'll talk more about sleep in 3 days.




All the Best,


December 8, 2010

NO Worrying – Just Doing

This goes hand in hand with taking responsibility, but let's put it another way.

Worrying about something will never improve a situation.  In fact constant worrying is detrimental to your health.  Stop worrying and instead take action to resolve the thing you're worried about, or prevent it from happening.

Sometimes you may not even know what you're worried about… stop tripping (street urban term for get yourself together) gather yourself, find out what you're worried about and think about a solid solution.

Or, just choose to let it go and do something else.

The best way to protect yourself from anything negative in your life is to increase your 3 Sources of Power –Time-Energy-Money (see simple•ology 101).


Even the Lord Jesus said do not worry but to cast your cares onto the Father in His name. 



All the Best today and forever,


December 7, 2010

Always Ask When You Don’t Know

A common form of mental Distress comes from burning up Energy pretending you know something when you don't.  If someone talks about something you don't know or don't understand, ask them to clarify it for you.


A good side benefit is that you will dramatically increase what you actually do know and people will love you for giving them the opportunity to show off their knowledge.  It becomes a win-win, so do not pretend you know something when you clearly do not. 

It is mentally inhibiting to you and you remain uninformed on the topic!  Remember, this is why kids learn so fast, they ask millions of questions when they don't know something.



All the Best,


December 6, 2010

Eat 5-6 Small Meals Per Day

This is a good one, Increase the number of meals you eat and decrease the volume you eat per meal.  Put 2 to 3 hours in between your meals and this will boost your Energy in a number of very measurable and observable ways.

If you are already on a specific diet; then carry on but if you have been eating large meals spaced out try adding a few more in between and see how it does for you.

Many times you are not hungry in a few hours but go ahead and eat something but in much smaller quantities.
