
October 24, 2012

You Ain't Got No Future Jack

This is one of my favorite scenes in all of movies... there is just so much going on in this scene it is just hilarious. "You ain't got no future Jack..." "'re an A-1 Nut-case and Grissom knows it..."

That sure ruffled some feathers, you could see Jack's face getting more and more flustered. And then the phrase..."You better be sure!"

Just felt like sharing that ... "where have you been spending your nights!"

Due Daniels

Blogging and Making Money is Easy ==> Just ask these Folks

How to Earn Money in the Next 30 Days Online

How you will earn money?

There are many ways to make money online...1000's of different ways fact! The problem is that people often get distracted by the "latest and greatest" product or service and they are never able to build a successful (and revenue generating) business.

In this phase of the Internet Entrepreneur Certification we are going to run you through one of the most fundamental, yet the most powerful process of generating revenue online. It is a proven technique, it is one that we use, and one that 1,000's of other WA members use. It is also a technique that worked 5 years ago and it is going to work 5 years from now.

Over the coming days you are going to be working through this process and by the end of this phrase of the training you are going to have an awesome foundation in place that will lead you to much greater success.

Task #1: Understand the Make Money Process

There are MANY different ways that you can earn money online and many different ways in which you can build an entire business. In the coming lessons we are going to be walking you through the following process:

There are 2 billion people (the audience) online and these people are looking (searching) for things all the time. They are looking for information and to buy products. That is where you are going to come in with your website and help these "audiences" by offering them information about what they are looking. You will be "helping" these people and earning revenue in the process.

By Lesson 4 of this course you are going to have your very own website in place (FREE OF CHARGE) that you will use to connect with your chosen audience. You will have your very own piece of the internet and a platform to connect anyone that you want who browses the Internet.

Task #2: Create (Write Down) Your Financial Goals

You want to earn revenue right? That is great. In order to earn anything however, you need to have some goals in place.

In this task we want you to grab a piece of paper and a pen. You are going to be writing down your goals:

My next 30 Days: I want to earn $____ in the next 30 days online.
My next 6 Months: I want to earn $____ in the next 6 months online.
My next 1 Year: I want to earn $____ in the next year online.

PLEASE make 100% sure that you write this down on a piece of paper and put it somewhere that you can refer to. Ideally, somewhere that you will see it everyday. I know this sounds a bit cheesy, but we are getting you to do this for a simple reason: IT WORKS!

Task #3: Create Your Non-Financial Goals

Success is not just about money and how much revenue you can earn online. Creating and building tangible online assests are a huge success and monumental in the development of your business. Overcoming technical hurdles is a success. Building a website is a success. Choosing a niche is a success. Learning new information is a success. Freeing up more time for your family is a success. Doing something that you love is a success. Helping others is a success.

I want you to create some short term and long term "NON" financial goals today. These could be anything really.

Write down a list of things that you want to accomplish in:

The next 10 days.
The next 30 days.
The next 6 months.
The next year.

Remember, these goals cannot involve money. They have to involve something that is non-financial but can absolutely be part of your business building process. Write these down as well (could be on the same piece of paper) and keep safe.

Due Daniels

Join Wealthy Affiliate to Speed the Process

October 23, 2012

Was Elizabeth Escalona’s Punishment too Much?

Elizabeth Escalona is a 23 year old Dallas mother and resident. She was recently sentenced to 99 years behind bars. Elizabeth was physically abusive to her two year old daughter. She also glued her daughter’s hands to the wall. Elizabeth’s other children said the mother beat the two year old because she wasn’t potty training the correct way. Police said Escalona also beat her daughter with a milk jug and kicked her in the abdomen.

Elizabeth Escalona’s Punishment

Escalona had a pretty rough life prior to being a mother. She hung out with people in gangs, she used drugs, and she also came from an abusive home. This probably played a major role in what took place with her daughter. Still, is 99 years in prison too much time for this crime? It seems like the mother needs help more than anything.
Now this is a controversial topic. When it comes to children I personally believe in whoopings if they’re necessary. The beating Elizabeth gave to her 2 year old was definitely not necessary. It seemed like she was just fed up with life, and she decided to take out her personal frustrations on her child. We all know that’s just not the way to handle the situation.

Was Elizabeth Escalona’s Punishment too Much?

If your child was acting up in school, let’s say he/she cursed out the teacher. Then I believe a spanking is totally necessary, but it should never cross the border line of abuse. You don’t want a situation like Penny from Good Times, when her mother burned her with irons. Things like that are just too brutal. When I was growing up and got punished physically it was usually with a belt or a switch. I got the message and it wasn’t so heinous that I was scared I wasn’t going to live another day.

Elizabeth Escalona’s Punishment Was Too Much Many Are Saying

Earlier I asked if 99 years was too much time for Elizabeth Escalona? I say this because now you have children who don’t have their mother around. That type of situation could lead to all kinds of trouble down the road for the children. That’s why I say Escalona probably needs help, because she is 23 years old and chances are she’s still immature and has reckless behavior (esp. with her background). Then again, the crime she committed was so heinous I definitely understand the verdict. What do you think, was Elizabeth Escalona’s punishment too harsh or not?

Ben Walker
Join us in the life’s a game newsletter to learn how to really play the game of life! Join Now!

October 22, 2012

Should Guns be Legal Everywhere in the United States

Gun laws are serious topic in the United States of America. Many people are pro guns, and of course many are anti guns. It is a good question, should guns be legal everywhere in the United States? There are lots of innocent people getting killed these days. We see murders everyday on the news due to gun violence. So of course it’s humans natural instinct to want to put a stop to the situation, or protect themselves.

Should Guns be Legal Everywhere in the United States

In America’s constitution the American people have a right to bear arms, this is the second amendment.  The amendment says: A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.  This amendment has always been controversial. The people who are for guns only focus on the second part of the passage, and the people who are against guns focus on the first part of the passage.

Should Guns be Legal Everywhere in the United States?

If most people carried guns then I believe there would be less crime in America.  Criminals would think twice before committing a reckless act. You would be less willing to rob a bank if you thought over 50% of the people were carrying heat. Criminals commit these crimes because they believe 9 times out of 10 nothing will happen to them. It’s also a shame that people who are trying to get a gun the legal way to protect themselves have to go through long processes. Meanwhile, the person who’s looking to rob someone, chances are he/she didn’t get their gun the legal way.

We should also remember guns don’t kill people, PEOPLE KILL PEOPLE. Humans have a violent nature if put in certain situations. If guns didn’t exist then people would just be stabbing each other at an alarming rate. That’s why the issue is not only guns. The issue is also poverty, low self esteem, stress, and any other of life’s roadblocks.

Should Guns be Legal Everywhere in the United States

So should guns be legal everywhere in the United States? I say yes, because I don’t think people are going to stop committing heinous crimes. If a person is desperate enough he/she will go to extremes to get what they’re looking for. So with that being the case, it’s only right for someone to protect their assets and even their life if there’s people like that walking around.

Ben Walker
(Carrying my gun)
These are two dudes that have to carry guns once they went from homeless to millionaire status…listen to their story now!