
April 10, 2012

11 Crucial Facts About Human Growth Hormone Supplement Benefits

I use to take one of the Youngevity Products called H.G.H. I truly took it to help myself stay feeling young and recover faster from inflammation and injuries since I like to throw on the ole basketball shoes from time to time.

I witness some other side affects that...let's just say...guys like. At any rate, I stopped because I felt good. Well, I hurt my knee not to long ago and realized the recovery process was taking a long a$$ time [excuse my language] so I went back to the H.G.H.

To my surprise after one WEEK taking it, this tear in my knee and the popping has all but stopped. And now a two month vacation from basketball has turned into just a three week hiatus.  I owe it to the Mighty-90 (vitamin and mineral supplementation program I use) and the H.G.H.

Here are 11 crucial facts about Human Growth Hormone supplement benefits:

First, the product is the H.G.H Youth Complex - I looked at the major ingredients on the label and researched them to see what was doing the real trick. I have felt more energy, I wondered why I am able to wake up at 4am and go throughout the day all the way to 10-11pm and not feel tired. These facts below will help you understand as I did...

First major ingredient - Tyrosine - and the crucial fact or the key benefits are:
  • Tyrosine is used in treating depression and mood disorders, helps improve concentration and emotional well being.
  • Tyrosine can improve endurance under stress
  • It is an appetite suppressant
  • It assists a lackluster thyroid, aiding dieters who want to lose weight.
  • Helps improve energy levels by fighting fatigue
  • L-Tyrosine helps improve a low sex drive
  • It helps speed up the metabolism
  • It helps to combat drug abuse when combined with tryptophan. It is purported to help with alcohol and cocaine withdrawal as well.
  • It is purported to help with PMS (premenstrual syndrome)

Second major ingredient - Ornithine - and the crucial fact or the ornithine benefits that may be derived from this amino acid:
  • Ornithine is said to help speed up the healing process after injuries, infections and burns.
  • Ornithine is said to help improve the appetite.
  • Ornithine may help in weight gain.
  • Ornithine may help in metabolism of fat.
  • Ornithine may help in the treatment of liver cirrhosis.
  • Ornithine may help enhance the immune system.
  • Ornithine may help slow muscle degeneration.

Third major ingredient - Lysine - Lysine benefits

- Along with other amino acids, lysine is very effective at helping the body to build protein molecules, or muscles.

- If taken with L-arginine, lysine can increase hormone secretions which help to build up the immune system.

- There is some evidence that lysine can improve concentration.

- Lysine is thought to improve fat mobilization making it useful when trying to lose weight or build muscle.

- Lysine can help sports people recover from injury or in the recovery from surgery.

- Lysine is essential when it comes to the absorption of calcium in the body which in turn leads to stronger bones and teeth. It is an important supplement for those people who are suffering with osteoporosis and bone degeneration.

- Lysine can also be used in the treatment of skin conditions such as the herpes simplex virus which causes cold sores or shingles. It is often used for patients who present with these symptoms along with anti-viral medicines. 

Fourth major ingredient - Glysine - it has beneficial indications for the following conditions:
  • Schizophrenia
  • Strokes (to minimize damage after a stroke)
  • Memory problems
  • An enlarged prostate (known medically as benign prostatic hyperplasia, or BPH)
  • 3-phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase deficiency, a rare genetic condition
  • Isovaleric acidemia, also a rare genetic condition
  • Leg ulcers (when applied to the skin).

The fifth major ingredient - Glutamine - it is beneficial in:
  1. Helps with speeding up muscle recovery – also used to promote muscle anabolism and protein synthesis.
  2. Reduced catabolic stress – no more fearing muscle loss.
  3. Efficient at delivering nitrogen to the muscles – make up is 19% nitrogen.
  4. Keeps the immune system strong – lessens the chance of injury and illness after a strenuous routine.
  5. Increases glycogen storage post-workout

The sixth major ingredient - L'Arginine - L-Arginine is essential to several systems in the body. Among its many roles, L-Arginine:
  • Is a precursor of nitric oxide (NO)
  • Promotes circulation resulting in improved blood flow
  • Stimulates the release of growth hormone
  • Improves immune function
  • Reduces healing time of injuries
  • Plays a role in the formation of bone and tendons
  • Increases muscle mass, while reducing body fat
  • Supports male fertility, improving sperm production and motility
  • Reduces risk of blood clots and stroke
  • Supports normal blood pressure
  • Improves vascular function for patients with angina
  • Helps recovery after heart attack
  • Helps prevent and treat cardiovascular disease
  • Helps reduce growth of cancerous tumors

The Seventh major ingredient - Chromium - It works with insulin to improve the transportation of glucose out of the blood and into the cell. This function improves health in many ways, including:
  1. Decreasing blood sugar - Chromium may help to reduce the amount of sugar circulating in your blood, decreasing your risk of diabetes and metabolic syndrome.
  2. Decreasing LDL - Chromium may help to reduce the amount of bad cholesterol circulating in your blood.
  3. Increasing HDL - Chromium may help to raise the amount of good cholesterol circulating in your blood.
  4. Decreasing blood pressure - Chromium may help to reduce your blood pressure.
  5. Decreasing the risk of heart disease and stroke - Chromium may help to reduce your risk of getting heart disease, having a heart attack, or having a stroke by raising your HDL and reducing your LDL and blood pressure.
  6. Decreasing body fat - Chromium may improve your body's insulin sensitivity, helping to reduce body fat.
  7. Increasing lean body mass - Chromium may improve your body's insulin sensitivity, helping to increase muscle mass.

The Eighth major ingredient - Manganese - benefits the body are summarized here.
:: Manganese Benefits & Functions
1. activates enzymes needed to digest and synthesize fatty acids and cholesterol, and metabolize carbohydrates and proteins
2. important for energy production
3. activates enzymes that enable the utilization of other key nutrients like vitamin B1 (thiamine), biotin, choline, ascorbic acid, and vitamin E
4. manganese-activated enzymes are also important to normal bone and cartilage growth, and keep bones strong and healthy
5. needed for collagen formation in skin cells, which is required for healing of wounds
6. component of metalloenzymes needed for a number of functions that include synthesizing glutamine, and glucose metabolism, which helps regulate blood sugar balance
7. needed to make manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD), one of the key antioxidants that protects cells from free radical damage, and so helps maintain a healthy immune system
8. required for production of sex hormones, fertility, reproductive health, and lactation
9. maintains healthy nerves
10. supports optimal function of the thyroid gland and thyroxine production
11. essential for proper iron metabolism and so helps prevent anemia
12. works with the B-complex vitamins to generate overall feeling of well-being

The Ninth ingredient - Iodine - you are able to:
  • Maintain your energy level all day
  • Maintain your weight
  • Live without aches and pains
  • Maintain a cheerful and uplifted attitude
  • Have a clear memory
  • Able to tolerate cold
  • Have normal bowel movements;
  • Have full and shiny hair; and
  • Obtain restful night at sleep
  • Have normal skin and supple fingernails

The Tenth ingredient - Vitamin B12 - The top 5 health benefits of vitamin B 12 are:
  • It is needed to convert carbohydrates into glucose in the body, thus leading to energy production and a decrease in fatigue and lethargy in the body.
  • It helps in healthy regulation of the nervous system, reducing depression, stress, and brain shrinkage.
  • It helps maintain a healthy digestive system. Vitamin B12 also protects against heart disease by curbing and improving unhealthy cholesterol levels, protecting against stroke, and high blood pressure.
  • It is essential for healthy skin, hair, and nails. It helps in cell reproduction and constant renewal of the skin.
  • Vitamin B 12 helps protect against cancers including breast, colon, lung, and prostrate cancer.

And the Eleventh ingredient - Vitamin B6 - the Top Five Benefits of Vitamin B6:
1. Vitamin B6 helps maintain healthy brain function.
2. The vitamin plays a key role in synthesizing antibodies that are needed to fight various diseases.
3.Vitamin B6 helps in maintaining normal nerve function. It plays a crucial role in the synthesis of neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin. It also assists normal nerve cell communication.
4. The vitamin helps in forming red blood cells.
 5. It helps in breaking down and digesting proteins. So, the higher the protein intake, the greater is the requirement of vitamin B6.

As you can see, these ingredient really help the body recover, stay young, stay alert, fight disease, and a host of other things. So I truly recommend using this as a supplement. When I was speaking with an young lady who just turned 68, she told me she uses this product daily. And she did not look a day over 50 and hadn't been to a doctor in 18 years...

My research is done, leave a comment and to get the Mighty-90 and the HGH Youth Complex visit Youngevity Products. I believe athletes, especially older athletes should have this, but be sure to looking into the rules and regulations of your sport to be sure you are not offending in anyway possible. God bless

Due Daniels

HGH Youth Complex
Vitamin b12
Vitamin b6

Due Daniels