
December 23, 2010

Tap into Inspiration and Desire

This is already done for you if you're doing your Daily Target Task List (writing out an objective target and the steps or task to attain it each day).

Of your Major Targets that are outlined, we ask you to write what fires you up about these things … and we also ask you to review these things on a daily basis.

Lastly, create an Ultimate Life goal. That's the foundation of what will inspire you.



All the Best,


Be A Champion - Let's Do It

December 21, 2010

Want Want Want

In Proverbs chapter 21 verses five says...

5The thoughts of the diligent tend only to plenteousness; but of every one that is hasty only to want.


Being diligent tends to plenteousness… let's break this down!




plentiful; copious; abundant: a plenteous supply of food.


yielding abundantly; fruitful: a plenteous harvest.


If you are diligent in your business, your job, or anything it will lead to abundance, fruitfulness.  However, that is hasty they tend only to want!


–adjective, hast·i·er, hast·i·est.


moving or acting with haste; speedy; quick; hurried.


made or done with haste or speed: a hasty visit.


unduly quick; precipitate; rash: a hasty decision.


brief; fleeting; slight; superficial: a hasty glance.


impatient; impetuous; thoughtless; injudicious: hasty words.


easily irritated or angered; irascible: a hasty temper.


When I was younger, I wanted to do everything fast.  It's not wise; and my want of things grew, I wanted everything… want, want, want, and had nothing, nothing, nothing.  So remember Proverbs chapter 21 verses 5 whenever you get hasty; especially without being diligent.



All the Best,


Let's do it - Be a Champion - Be A Champion - Let's Do It

December 20, 2010

See Through Someone Else’s Eyes

Always try to understand the point of view of others.  Walk in their shoes for a second…

This doesn't mean you have to agree with them or that they are correct. The habit of trying to see through someone else's eyes in itself is a great mental exercise that promotes mental flexibility.

Simultaneously, it makes your interactions with people less stressful because you will become less frustrated when they don't agree with you or understand you.

An added benefit is that people will love you because everyone is trying to be understood. While everyone else is struggling to be understood, you will stand out by being the person that understands them.



All the Best,


Let's do it - Be a Champion -

December 19, 2010

Turn Off the Deleter

Whenever we come up with ideas, there is a part of us that says "that's stupid."  It's nothing because the idea came from you, right?  WRONG!

The problem is, this turns off our creativity by negatively rewarding any new creative ideas.

When you have ideas, jot them down in your note pad, record it on your smart phone, or if you signed up for a simpleology account you get a free device to record and store all your ideas, called the dream catcher.  Your ideas are good, even golden, do yourself a favor and don't judge them.


Sometimes ideas that seem immediately stupid on the surface actually end up being brilliant.


Be A Champion - Let's Do It

December 15, 2010

Never Speak Harshly of Anyone or To Anyone

When you speak harshly of someone, your mind then has to waste resources worrying about whether or not word of what you said will travel back to that person.


In the bible, King Solomon, King over Israel told us that the birds or the angels of God will carry some of those messages to people so be careful what you say.


If criticism is warranted, make sure it's solicited (they asked for it, you didn't volunteer it), fair, and dispassionate.  


If you need to provide criticism of someone's work to someone else, try not to do it behind the other person's back. 


Speaking harshly or negatively about people or to people only backs you up and can cause resentment from those people if done the wrong way.


And pray you don't have a news reporter listening in… you know who news reporters are… talebearers and gossipers.



All the Best,


Let's do it - Be a Champion - Be A Champion - Let's Do It

December 13, 2010

Your Nighttime Power-Down

Every night before you go to sleep …


• Stop everything one hour before you go to bed – no TV – no work …


• Set up the clothes you need to wear for the gym the next day and the clothes you need to wear for work …


• Put your mind at ease – let go of anything you're worrying about …


• Read a book if you want, but only look at material that is positive. No horror stories, crime thrillers, horror novels, etc …


• Before bed, do the following visualization …


o Imagine what your morning will be like when you wake up: First, you leap out of bed immediately when your alarm goes off. You go to the gym and exercise. You eat a healthy breakfast and go to work. You do your Daily Target List of task and targets you need to accomplish this day…


o Then as you go to sleep, rest knowing that this is your time for blissful sleep to enjoy. Imagine how your body and mind are going to repair themselves as you sleep.


December 10, 2010

Eat Junk Food if You Must

If you are going to break your diet and your discipline and eat junk – go ahead and go for it – let yourself have it – HOWEVER promise to do this procedure first before you do:


  1. Drink a glass of water … the full eight ounces (preferably with colloidal or plant derived minerals 1 ounce) you can get premium plant derived minerals by going to those are the best on the planet and for less than 20 bucks you are not going to beat that.  Okay enough of my plug… water and minerals
  2. AND Wait 10 minutes …
  3. If you still want your junk, you can either eat a big garden salad (with very little dressing – just enough to make it taste good) and a bit of protein if that's in your diet.   Or you can get a good whey protein shake, has a good one and Suzanne Somers makes a great protein shake.  What I do is take the shake, mix it in milk and sugar free ice cream, maybe throw an egg in there and I'm usually good for 6 hours…
  4. Wait 10 more minutes …
  5. If you still want your junk eat it.  Chances are you won't because of the water, salad or protein and you'll begin to eliminate junk food out of your life for good.


In most cases, this will prevent you from even wanting it and at worst you'll eat much less. Further, the greens and protein will lessen some of the negative impact from the junk. The beauty of this is that it eliminates the "I can't ever have this" desperation that sets in from extreme dieting.


Join my email list to the right and get additional information on minerals and whey protein.



All the Best,


December 9, 2010

Get a Full Night’s Sleep Every Night

You know how lack of sleep makes you feel. It's not just making you feel bad, it's also damaging your body (and possibly your mind), by not giving you sufficient time to recover.  


A full night of sleep does not necessarily mean 8 hours, 10 hours, or 12 hours.  It simply means get enough that your body is requiring of you.


I'll talk more about sleep in 3 days.




All the Best,


December 8, 2010

NO Worrying – Just Doing

This goes hand in hand with taking responsibility, but let's put it another way.

Worrying about something will never improve a situation.  In fact constant worrying is detrimental to your health.  Stop worrying and instead take action to resolve the thing you're worried about, or prevent it from happening.

Sometimes you may not even know what you're worried about… stop tripping (street urban term for get yourself together) gather yourself, find out what you're worried about and think about a solid solution.

Or, just choose to let it go and do something else.

The best way to protect yourself from anything negative in your life is to increase your 3 Sources of Power –Time-Energy-Money (see simple•ology 101).


Even the Lord Jesus said do not worry but to cast your cares onto the Father in His name. 



All the Best today and forever,


December 7, 2010

Always Ask When You Don’t Know

A common form of mental Distress comes from burning up Energy pretending you know something when you don't.  If someone talks about something you don't know or don't understand, ask them to clarify it for you.


A good side benefit is that you will dramatically increase what you actually do know and people will love you for giving them the opportunity to show off their knowledge.  It becomes a win-win, so do not pretend you know something when you clearly do not. 

It is mentally inhibiting to you and you remain uninformed on the topic!  Remember, this is why kids learn so fast, they ask millions of questions when they don't know something.



All the Best,


December 6, 2010

Eat 5-6 Small Meals Per Day

This is a good one, Increase the number of meals you eat and decrease the volume you eat per meal.  Put 2 to 3 hours in between your meals and this will boost your Energy in a number of very measurable and observable ways.

If you are already on a specific diet; then carry on but if you have been eating large meals spaced out try adding a few more in between and see how it does for you.

Many times you are not hungry in a few hours but go ahead and eat something but in much smaller quantities.


December 3, 2010

Replace Clutter with Plainness

If you live in a cluttered environment at work or at home, remove the clutter and your Energy will go up by reducing your mental Distress.

Loose papers, junk, or anything else that makes the space appear less than clean and tidy should be thrown out or stored somewhere out of site.

Once you have a baseline established, get in the habit of removing any new clutter immediately so it doesn't build up.  Many people like to say they are organized in the midst of their junk and clutter.


They may think so; but much clutter in the physical is clutter in the mental.  Cluttered desk is a reflection of a cluttered mind.  Boost your energy and mental health by organizing your home and office.


Two pretty good books on how to become "decluttered" are The Definitive Guide for Home Organization for Busy People many of my colleges speak highly of this book – and the other is DeClutter Fast, many of my peers liked this book as well.



All the best,


December 2, 2010

Move Around

Every morning do some physical movement. Even if it means just going out and taking a 15 minute walk or like I do in my building; I walk the stairs.

Also, every other hourly work break, do some mild physical exercise for a minute or two even if it's just stretching, jumping rope, or whatever you like. Just make sure you move and get your blood flowing.

You may look silly at work doing jumping-jacks or you may be labeled the office nut if you get out your desk and do 25 push-ups; but you'll also be the office over-achiever as well.

Over time, you'll want to increase the amount of exercise you perform as it is comfortable for you to do so.  It is amazing that these simple things will increase energy and alertness.



All the best,


December 1, 2010

Take Full Responsibility

It doesn't matter whose fault it is AND it doesn't matter what caused it.

The only person who can make it better is you – if you accept that, you won't waste any energy on blame or anger.

If someone did you wrong, judge it dispassionately. I'm not saying let them roll over you and take advantage. Protect yourself from anything they can do in the future, but don't waste any time feeling sorry for yourself, being angry at them, or giving in to hopelessness.

Take responsibility yourself and your Energy will go way up and you'll have a healthier mental state.

And of course, the best way to take responsibility is to take action to improve the situation.

You may not a be a person who is use to taking full responsibility; the way to fix this is a little self talk.  When something happens, if you're use to saying, "that guy messed me up," or "that gal ruined my day by cutting me off in traffic and making me late to work;" change that and say, "it's my fault" or "it doesn't matter" and take action to fix the matter. 

Pretty simple right!

Doing a daily task list of things you must do every day will make this habit automatic.



All the Best,


November 30, 2010

Drink Water Every Hour

This is a habit we all know we should do and we've all heard about it plenty of times but it is just plain ole hard to do.  Now a good way to start is to get some good tasting water.  I read in a publication that the best tasting water was the Fiji Water and next was the Dasani Water.  I personally like the Dasani, it has a clean taste and it has minerals added to it.


Now get a 24 pack and every time you take a break you should drink a cup of water.  If you cannot do it in one setting; then keep a glass or your Fiji or Dasani water at your work desk.


Researchers found that by keeping water at your desk; you will drink more water.  I've tried this for the last month and I have increased my water intake by 125% - I was only drinking 4 cups of pure water a day; and now I'm up to 9 cups simply by keeping a cup at my work desk each day.


I hope this habit works out for you too.


November 29, 2010

Take a Short Break Every Hour While Working

It is important to take a short break every hour to refresh the brain throughout your work day.  In the free Simpleology 101 course by Mark Joyner there is a downloadable tool that reminds you if you work on a computer to take a short break.

This tool will also help you to incorporate many of the other habits outlined here.

Taking a break will give you a chance to maintain your body. When combined with the other habits here you will be able to get much more done in the same amount of time and you will be able to work for longer periods with Energy to spare.


Take care today and take a short break.



November 28, 2010

Avoid Eating Refined Sugar

If you're addicted to or consume a lot of sugar, you may think this is an "unreasonable request" or you may think it's "impossible" to stop eating sugar.  Believe me; I'm a sugar-aholic myself; if you reach into my pockets you may find a brownie or cake crumbs…

Many years ago, the same things were said about tobacco.


Now the world is waking up to the poisonous effects of refined sugar. In fact, in some cities, people eating sugary foods are frowned upon in the same way smokers are.  Can you imagine; people telling folks to go outside to eat their sugary frosted flakes…

Removing refined sugar from your diet will eventually have a huge impact on your Energy. The week or so may be tough (you may be irritable or may feel your Energy is lower), but once you get past that you will definitely notice a huge impact on your Energy levels.

Note: beware of hidden sugar in your food.   Look for some of these labels; sucrose, corn syrup, anything that ends in "-ose" … These are some of the many ways sugars hide in your food. If you're unsure, take a look at the carbohydrate content on the label.   They are in just about every thing; but you want to see how many grams and begin your quest of avoidance or drastically reducing the amount you consume.

Simply eating piece of fruit can do wonders to curb your sweet craving.  The next best thing to do is to get on a good multi-vitamin; getting an abundance of minerals into your system will curb your appetite and sugar cravings.


If you can, strive to avoid overly sweet foods altogether to help retrain your palate, which has become accustomed to and reliant on sweet foods. However, if you absolutely must have something sweet, and a piece of fruit isn't cutting it, try a sugar alternative such as Stevia.

As one of my health mentors pointed out to me; sugar puts holes in people's teeth (especially those who lack a good intake of calcium); think about the damage it does to the other body organs.  Make this one a habit sooner than later.


November 26, 2010

Live Honestly

As you learned in your lessons, lying creates a form of mental Distress that harms you in many ways.   Why lie?  It does not do anyone well to be lying and living dishonestly.  It may feel good for a while, and then you yourself get caught up in your own web of lies.

You have to continue in that behavior and all dishonest people get exposed at the end of the day!


This is not a moral decision or one that is based on unobservable concepts like "karma."  It is vital, so vital it ended up in God's Ten Commandments in the Bible (baring false witness).


(Maybe it exists, maybe it doesn't. We don't know.) We're talking about the tangible ways lying impacts your mind that you can observe for yourself as reality.  This is a habit you want to incorporate immediately; when you live honestly, the truth sets you free!


Live a completely honest life for 21 days and comment below about your results.


November 25, 2010

Stop Complaining – Start Doing!

Happy Thanksgiving today... Oh about the title...

The habit of complaining incessantly about what is bothering us, rather than doing something about it, is an epidemic of staggering proportion.

The act of complaining itself is, of course, an act.

You are expending Energy during the actually process of complaining.

Not only does it waste available Energy, the act itself actually trains you to feel and act in a "helpless" manner thus blocking you off from the Energy you do have available.   And this about what the helpless feeling does for your mental state?

Catch yourself whenever you find yourself complaining and simply stop. Choose in that moment to do something about it. Write down in your journal or notebook something you can do to improve or change the circumstances about which you are complaining.

NOTE: A better definition of this habit would be "stop complaining and choose another action that will bring about a desired reaction."


Complaining is an action – it's just an action that won't have the desired reaction. In fact, the reaction to complaining is usually quite undesirable on many levels (both for you and those who have to listen to it).

I'm taking a course by Mark Joyner and for a benefit for me I'm rehashing what I'm learning into blogpost and as a benefit for you; you are getting to learn some habits that should be discontinued and avoided; at the same time pick up some habits that will be great in your life.

There is Simplelogy 101 – the simple science of getting what you want and…


There is Simplelogy 103 – the simple science of having more energy ($97)- so please don't complain about the turkey and dressing today!


November 24, 2010

Replace the Negative with the Positive

Before you think that this is a "positive thinking" blog post, know that there is good scientific evidence to support that your thinking does affect your health.

Despite the self-help gurus who will go so far as to say we "generate reality" out of thin air, we still don't know the full impact of our thoughts on reality just yet.

~Have A Disease You Want to Reverse?~

Meanwhile, just know that it's beneficial, every time you have any form of "negative" thought to try to find a positive replacement. Don't ignore the reality of the negative thought – simply choose not to let it affect you negatively and turn it into something positive and good.

For example: you may think "I'm really fat." Don't ignore the reality of the situation. However, think about how good your new eating and dietary habits are going to make you feel and how much better you're going to look every day. Let that thought release your stress and fill you with Energy.


It is not an easy task; it has to be address constantly that means you have to become a "conscious-being" and meet subconscious thought at the moment.


Mark Joyner's course Simpleology 101 will help with the foundations of how to do this.  It is free to take and have; this course will help you keep things simple in your life; it has helped me out a great deal.  Get a free account here!



All the BEST,



Due Daniels


November 9, 2010

The Twinkie Diet That Helped Nutrition Professor Lose Weight

A man, a professor, went on a diet replacing his meals with Little Debbie Snack cakes, twinkie's, donuts, and Doritos to prove that in weight loss, the restriction of calories means more than the nutrition of the food.


I was reading this is Dr. Wallach's book Immortality: the Age Beaters and Their Universal Currency for; it mentions how restricting ones calories as the best means to health and weight management..


In the professor's diet, he also ate canned veggies, celery, consumed a protein shake, and took a multivitamin.  This is vital and important information; one can lose weight taking a multivitamin, a protein shake, and replace their meals with junk food.  I don't recommend this and neither did this professor.

Try a Health Liquid Multivitamin and Whey Protein Shake


Another result the professor noticed was that his bad cholesterol went down and his good cholesterol went up, and he reduced the level of triglycerides, which are a form of fat, by 39 percent.


The quote I like most by the professor was his thoughts on health after this experiment.


"That's where the head scratching comes," Haub said. "What does that mean? Does that mean I'm healthier? Or does it mean how we define health from a biology standpoint, that we're missing something?"


View the professor's sample day and leave your feedback if you will!


Haub's (the professor's) sample day


Espresso, Double: 6 calories; 0 grams of fat

Hostess Twinkies Golden Sponge Cake: 150 calories; 5 grams of fat

Centrum Advanced Formula From A To Zinc: 0 calories; 0 grams of fat

Little Debbie Star Crunch: 150 calories; 6 grams of fat

Hostess Twinkies Golden Sponge Cake: 150 calories; 5 grams of fat

Diet Mountain Dew: 0 calories; 0 grams of fat

Doritos Cool Ranch: 75 calories; 4 grams of fat

Kellogg's Corn Pops: 220 calories; 0 grams of fat

whole milk: 150 calories; 8 grams of fat

baby carrots: 18 calories; 0 grams of fat

Duncan Hines Family Style Brownie Chewy Fudge: 270 calories; 14 grams of fat

Little Debbie Zebra Cake: 160 calories; 8 grams of fat

Muscle Milk Protein Shake: 240 calories; 9 grams of fat

1,589 calories and 59 grams of fat


You can read the full article here – the Twinkie Diet


October 21, 2010

Wise Words

Good morning,

I read a few things this morning that proved worth sharing ...

It is better to correct and confront someone than to be secretly angry at that person.  Harboring anger does nothing to the other person; it only fuels you up more to lead to the destruction of yourself and eventually that person and others.


Invite wise counsels then confront the subject.

The other thing I read went along the lines of "a slip and fall on pavement is better than a slip of the tongue..."

Once you slip up and say something you should not; you will fall harder than one who fell on the ground after slipping on some black ice.  The fall of evil men (and women) is fast and great and it is hard for them to get back up.

Be wise with your tongue and do not bottle up frustration too long; it becomes worse and worse until it destroys.  Peace and many blessings


I am a successful Internet Marketer and System Developer.
"Do you need a system developed in your life?"

October 1, 2010

Real Strip That Fat comments (& results)....

Hey I got this email from my girl Cara from the Strip that Fat program...

she has a great offer for you...

Cara here from Strip that Fat.

Do you want to spend your hard earned money adding yet another dieting book to your shelf to gather dust, or onto your computer that you will soon forget about because it doesn't give you any support...or do you want to get results?

There are hundreds of weight loss books out there, but Strip That Fat really works and is now being offered with personal coaching for no extra cost (5 days left!):

Get the Strip That Fat Coaching Bonus HERE!

Why does STF work? Because we offer not only the information about dieting, weight loss and healthy eating, we give you the tools you need as well in order to achieve success.  

We know that not everybody is the same, and that's why we have a special diet generator that will create a meal plan just for you!  You get to choose the meals you want to eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner and get to snack on during the day.  How cool is that!

You can also sign up for the support and coaching from me and access to our forum where I hang out and add tips and information everyday for you to read and comment on.

Strip That Fat can help you just like it has helped some of our other clients.  Here are a few examples of the real feedback we've gotten at Strip That Fat.  Please disregard spelling and grammar mistakes as these are taken exactly from the emails that we received:

    * "I have to tell you this...I have tried so many diet plans in my life (and I'm 50) and I did try the Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet.  Your plan is the simplest and most resaonable in the food choices that I have seen.  I also really like the menu creator, because I don't have to think about what I'm going to fix for my next day's meals"-Catherine M

    * "I want to really say a big THANK YOU to you guys.  A friend of mine recommended your program to me.  I have tried everything I could but all to no avail.  I had stop believing I could loose weight until I got your program.  Before your program, I had concluded that everything on the Internet is a scam but hey, I was wrong.  Your program is "off the hook".  Thanks for not starving me like others and making weight loss possible."-Adetola, Lagos

    * " I just gotta share this.  June 1 I signed on and downloaded your program...June 6 I have lost 7 pounds and now I only have 150 t go.  This is the first thing ever that has worked for me.  Thank you  very much."  -George B."

    * "Hello! I have started Strip That Fat with my family right after Christmas.  My husband and I have lost 25 pounds each and my elderly mother has lost 15 pounds.  This is the best diet ever (out of all the diets) and there have been many that I have tried.  We are never hungry.  I have a long way to go as I need to get down to 130 pounds (I was 275).  I feel that your diet has been worth every cent I paid for and it is a literal life saver.  My husband was seriously sick not too long ago and our doctor is pleased with the weight loss.  Thank you!" -Robin

    * "Hi Cara.  Just letting you know I bought the Gold Package and I am loving it already!  Having good results in such a short time as well.  Have told a friend and she bought the Gold Package as well-will keep telling my friends because it's so easy and it's working!  Thank you so much for all your help and replies to my e-mail." -Joanne

    * "I have 3 children, aged 11, 6 and 4.  My weight before was 187lbs and my body fat was 36.5%.  I was fat and miserable, and my family life and my relationships were suffering.  I was not able to do anything with my kids, and I was tired and constantly irritated.  I've always counted calories, but this just wasn't working for me anymore.  Someone my husband know had done the Strip That Fat program and it had changed his life, so I decided to do it too.  I lost 33lbs within 8 months and kept it off.  In the last 3 months because of my training and desire to be "hot at 40" I 've taken this to a new level...and I have lost another 17lbs." -Hal F.

Join Strip That Fat today and see it work for yourself!  Strip That Fat will be the last diet you start and if you join right now, you get access to our personal coaching suite as well.  Use the following special link to sign-up!

Get the Strip That Fat Coaching Bonus HERE!

Join now to find your true potential!  

Have a great day,

Cara M.
Certified Personal Trainer
Certified Specialist in Fitness Nutrition

September 17, 2010

The Jews are Back with a Bigger Monopoly

The Jews are back with a great monopoly on the mobile industry.

If you are familiar with internet marketing then you know where I'm going with this...

No I'm not talking about the "Jewish" people; I'm talking about Adam Horwitz's Mobile Monopoly!!!

You see; I've seen kids 14, 15, 16, even 17 years of age start multi million dollar business while
grounded in their room; so when Adam Horwitz's (an 18 year old) launched his Mobile Monoploly
I had to give heed. I admit; I thought it was hog-wash; then I saw he was on to something very MAJOR!

Now I really don't know if he is "Jewish" or not; but going by his last name I presumed; plus I
went to the origin of the Horwitz name and found it has "Jewish" origins.

tried and FAIL in the past, or if you are as pessimistic about everything in life, you can make money
with this system! And I've been around the block on Internet Marketing Programs...

So I say take the $77 dollar course; go through it; do what Adam tells you, make some big money;
call me, thank me, take me out to dinner, buy me stuff as your way of ever being grateful that I shared
this with you. Adam backs it with a solid guarantee and the merchants clickbank are very good at holding vendors to their guarantees.

Seriously, if you get Mobile Monopoly TODAY; you'll get two nice bonuses from me...

1) Free Hour Consultation on any aspect of Internet marketing you choose, including me sharing with you
how to develop a solid system that you can take and make money over and over with in any genre, any niche,
any business! I will hold NOTHING back in our hour consultation!


2) LIFE TIME email consulting! Look, you can consult with me forever on anything in internet affiliate marketing,
and system developing. The system development is HUGE... once you learn how to set up a system, you can
do so over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, ...okay you get my point!


There you have it. Get on this right now... in life we have people who make decision and people who are the decision!
Take control over your life... don't be someone else decision, make a decision!

Due Daniels

ps: I'm not sure how long I'll have my two bonuses available; and I reserve the right to yank them off the table without even
a moments notice! Get mobile monopoly today and my two bonuses and make some extra money.

pps: in this economy nothing is certain besides things getting bad for those who stay the same. Get out of the same ole
rut and take a leap of faith; but you don't even have to have your own faith; believe in Adam's system and my bonuses as a back
up! Heck if you're reading this; it is playing heavy on your mind to give this a shake; let me help you make a simple $77 dollar decision... click here!

Once you've purchased Adam's product; send me and email with your receipt to obtain your bonuses - duedaniels @ g mail. com!

I am a successful Internet Marketer and System Developer.
I sell hundreds of products and services online on a daily basis.
I make money and I fold it.
I am Due Daniels

September 14, 2010

Are You Keeping Up to Online Trends?

Hey loyal reader,

Due here from WA!

There is one thing between knowing how to do something and knowing how to follow trends.

Many of the things you will learn out there in the wild world of Internet Marketing are a specific strategy or technique. These are often very timely and will teach you something that works now...


Things become outdated so darn quickly online.

For example, marketing strategies that would have worked for Google Adwords in December, no longer work now. Same goes for article marketing (SEO) techniques...they have recently changed what they allow in terms of affiliate links and what qualifies as a good content. What about building websites? They have changed as well and the way you build them really matters now...squeeze pages are becoming a thing of the past.

What about trying to do the Internet marketing business without a website?

Good freakin' luck...

You can no longer do much without having a site. You can't even submit to article directories any longer without a website as they don't allow direct affiliate links.

If you do have a site you can use Google Adwords, you can use Bing/YSM, you can get your sites ranked naturally, you can effectively article market, you can even sell your websites.

I could go on and on, but what I am trying to get at is...

Being in the "know" is important and will keep you ahead of the curve. If you can stay ahead in this fast moving business, you will be a successful individual.

We are in the know. Our members at WA are in the know. The community at WA are in the know.


I want to emphasize today the importance of being "current". If you can stay current with the trends online, you can keep way ahead of the competition. In fact, you won't have competition.

So today, I would like you to ask you a question:

"Are you staying as current as you could be with Internet Marketing trends?"

If your answer is no or you are unsure, chances are you could be doing a better job. At Wealthy Affiliate we can help you...from our timely resources & training, to our timely tools and services, to our current support and community...we will be there.

Join Wealthy Affiliate today and be a top Internet Marketer!

Have a great day!

Wealthy Affiliate

August 16, 2010

Photos with My Partners

Chicago Health Expo in Schamburg, Il with Ted Soriano (Double Diamond), Charmaine Murphy (Double Diamond), Damien McSwine (MA and Professional Athlete), and me (Due Daniels - cool guy with the signature sun glasses)!

Here are some pics of me and my partners along with Doc Wallach (Dead Doctors Don't Lie) here in an event in Chicago... Damien McSwine hanging out before leaving to Dominica Republic, along with Dr. Joel Wallach, and Due Dans... in Chicago for Health Lecture... you should have heard some of the testimonials!

Damien again with Ted Sori...

We got the Filipino Jackie Chan, Marlon Waynes, and Berry Gordy...haha okay That's Double Diamond Ted Soriano, Damien McSwine, and newly appointed Diamond Stevie Robinson! We were having a dinner after a successful event in Chicago...

More photos coming... we had a good time. If you have questions about our health events contact Due Daniels

August 9, 2010

Are Vitamins and Mineral Supplements Expensive?

Let's face it... the price of having good health today, to some may be worth dying. Truly, you may be better off slowly dying

To get healthy organic foods nearly tacks on an extra 5 to 7 bucks per item at your local whole food stores. Then come Dr. Wallach and other companies that have nutritional products and to consume them cost you...

So what are we to do...?

Even I spend and have a budget of $200 bucks for supplements alone; so how do we get around this?

I have three answers... and they might not be pretty to some but they are answers.

1) Nothing - keep doing what you're doing. Don't put oil in your car; and when it burns out all the money you saved in not putting oil in the engine you can spend on surgeries, hospital visits, and repairing the burn out! It is a funny type of insurance system...I told you it wouldn't be pretty…

2) Get the Basics - the basics is the Mighty 90; which gives you 90 ESSENTIAL nutrients the body requires. That is 16 vitamins, 12 Amino Acids, 3 Essential Fatty Acids, and a whooping 60 Minerals.

The vast amount of diseases is developed from the lack of minerals. You may get 20 of these minerals through the normal eating and that is if you are super conscious eater; you'll get 40 of these if you eat a good dog food product; but you won't get 60 from your standard diet.

So you can simply get the plant derived minerals. Here you'll get 77 plant derived minerals – here are some of the products that are just minerals… give me a buzz or email for details on these products


Item #: 13204 CHERI-MINS 32 OZ




These are 25 dollars or less… and if you break that down per day that is $.83 cents a day over 30 days…you can literally find that money in the couch of your love seat… or your car…


You can put an end to buying the 24 case of soda and just get the 12 pack and have room to get your minerals… I mean be creative and still maintain your health. Being healthy does not have to be an expensive task.

"Mineral man, what do we do about the amino acids, the vitamins, and the EFA's if we just get the minerals?"

Good question!

You'll probably get much of your vitamin intake from your fruits and vegetables; as for the amino acids, you can get these in beef, chicken, fish, and dairy such as milk, cheese, and eggs. As far as the EFA's if you consume salmon, tuna, sardines, mix nuts such as cashews, almonds, etc; and you'll get a fair amount of EFA (essential fatty acids).

Then you top it off with one of the 83 cents a day minerals I showed you above. There you have it; your health is not as expensive any more. You don't have to be upset about those darn expensive supplements.

3) the last thing you can do is promote the minerals - tell people about Dr. Wallach, let them listen to his CD lectures, tell people about the minerals and how they can get them… and when you do this you will get a percentage of the sale by your referral… each month your customers order.

What this will do is decrease and eliminates your cost of getting all the minerals you need and want. If you want the Mighty 90; THEN refer enough people and Dr. Wallach and Youngevity will forward you a check and you can purchase your minerals with that income.

To learn how to do this just send me an email and I will put you on the right path!

There you have it… no more expensive minerals! Have splendid week.

Here to help always!

The Mineral Man

2020 Health & Wellness
Call for a Free Health & Wellness Consultation
"Your Health, Your Wealth"

August 3, 2010

Do You Have an Unhealthy Brain?

Hey there,

This is a good article from Cara over at Strip that Fat...

Of course leading a healthy lifestyle by eating right and staying active will help you keep your body healthy, but did you know it will help keep your brain healthy too?  

There are some activities that will help you keep your body AND brain healthy, which is important for overall health.

Here are a few activities to keep both your body and brain stimulated:

Dancing: Any kind of dancing will do!  In order to dance you have to pay attention and move to the music, so just going out with friends and grooving on the dance floor, or taking a dance class will challenge both your body and brain.

Eat Eggs: Eggs have B vitamins in them, which stimulate your nerve cells to burn glucose, your brain`s energy source.  Eating eggs will help keep your brain nerves working properly.  Eating the whole egg lightly scramble in butter (NOT margarine), pouched eggs are good too.

Laugh: Having a good laugh can help reduce stress, putting your brain and body at ease.  Grab your friends and go to a funny movie or a stand up comedy show and get your laugh on.

Hit The Gym: Working out in the gym can help boost your memory power, as breaking a sweat stimulates your `dentate gyrus` (the part of the brain vital for memory).  However be sure to replenish your vitamins and minerals lost during sweating when you hit the gym!

Catch Your ZZZs: Getting enough sleep will help you maintain both short-term and long-term memory, and getting at least 7 hours of sleep a night will also help you maintain a healthy weight!

Turn Off Electronics: Getting outside or reading a book instead of watching TV or playing on the computer will lower your risk of developing Alzheimer's Disease...and getting up off the couch and being active will help keep you slimmer too!

Drink Green Tea: Green tea can help you de-stress and is a great beverage with 0 calories!  It is also full of antioxidants, so help yourself to as many cups of sugar free green tea as you please. 

You may be wondering where are the vitamins and minerals.  I hope by now that is a given, and you know to do that at all times.
Aim to do one or more of these on your way to a happy and healthier brain!

Have a wonderful day!

Cara M.
Certified Personal Trainer
Certified Specialist in Fitness Nutrition

Want to lose 10 lbs in the next 2 weeks and while working towards a healthy body, brain, and overall mindset.

July 30, 2010

Graying Hair in Your 30s and 40s

Friends star had gray hair the entire time and simply dyed it to preserve his youth on screen.

We don't have to do that.  We can make sure we are consuming enough copper in our diet and
the graying hair will go away.

Read article here


July 13, 2010

Oxygen to the Dollar

With the Dollar collapsing it is vital to be aware!

Clock Work Inc (formally Dannes & Assoc Inc)

May 1, 2010

Dieting Strategies for the Busy Traveler

Hey it's Due, I certainly want to pass this along...
If you find that you are constantly sitting on a plane, in a car, or on a train, whether it be for work or pleasure, you can still eat a healthy diet.

Today I wanted to give you a few tips surrounding this so you can travel for business or pleasure and it does not have to lead to gaining fact the opposite.

If you are always running around or are in between cities, it is so tempting to buy food from a vending machine or from airport restaurants. Unfortunately those food choices are usually full of trans fats, sugars, and processed carbs, and can leave you feeling unsatisfied, while also causing you to pack on the pounds.
A lunch of potato chips, a plain bagel and cream cheese and a pop is NOT going to help your waist line. So to prevent yourself from going for the first thing you see during your travels, plan ahead. When you know you are heading on a trip, you can:
  • Cut up fruits and vegetables and pack them with you
  • Pre-cook some protein the night before and bring it along
  • If you will be traveling for a long period of time and are worried the food will go back, you can drink your nutrients! Making a fruit shake or a protein shake and adding flax seeds, oats or mixed nuts, along with some greens + will keep you going during your trip.
  • Bring protein bars, or even better, make some yourself with protein powder to bring on your trip.
Really, packing some food can make the difference. I know when I travel I try to pack a few things at least to tie me over. Food on the planes is not very good, and the airport stuff is expensive and usually leaves me feeling bloated before jumping on a plan.
Not a very nice feeling!
If you are heading somewhere for a few weeks, it is a great idea to pack some foods that you know are good for you and that you may not be able to find at your destination city. You can bring pre-made healthy choices and your favorite protein powder along to ensure you are getting everything you need while you`re away.
You can also pre-ship some items before you head on your trip, so that when you arrive at your destination, your protein powder, cooking utensils, cheese, eggs and so on are there waiting for you. It is also a great idea to stay in a hotel that has a kitchenette so that you can make your own food and avoid heading out to restaurants all together where you won`t be able to control ingredients or portion sizes.
Plan will truly pay off.
Taking a few minutes to organize your food for your trip can really pay off. You will look and feel better, and will be able to enjoy your trip even more by eating right while you`re there.
Another great idea when you are traveling is choosing your hotel based on its location. Is it close to a park or a walk path? Does it have a gym or pool? If so, book it! If not, keep looking. There are always hotels with these amenities in every city!
Have a healthy and safe trip next journey!
Cara M.
Certified Personal Trainer
Certified Specialist in Fitness Nutrition
The Strip That Fat diet is a two phase diet that offers quick weight loss routine as well as a focus for healthy living and long term, sustainable weight loss. Our goal is to help people lose weight using natural techniques and methods that leverage your own bodies capabilities.
Due Daniels
"Talk to Me"


April 27, 2010

It is Not Just About The Food...

Hey there... this is a message from the Strip That Fat Team,
We all like to eat!
It`s true, many of us over-indulge in food, and when we want to lose weight, that is the first thing we focus on.
Taking out the bad snacks like chips and soda and replacing them with healthier options like fruit and veggies and water.
This IS a very important part of not only losing weight, but becoming healthier overall, but many of us tend to ignore the importance of exercise.
By combining exercise with our food diets, we can allow ourselves a higher daily caloric intake, because if we are burning more calories than we take in, we can consume more.
For example, let`s say Tisha weighs 150 pounds, and allows herself 2,000 calories per day.  By including exercise into her lifestyle, she can  add 200-500 more calories into her daily meal plans, which will help her feel more satisfied and less inclined to `cheat`and over-eat.
So, what type of exercises can you do to increase your daily calorie limit? Here are just a few ideas:
    * Clean the house (burns 160 calories/hr)
    * Golf (burns 180 calories/hr)
    * Garden (burns 250 calories/hr)
    * Walk (burns 280 calories/hr)
    * Play tennis (burns 290 calories/hr)
    * Go skating (burns 420 calories/hr)
    * Bike (burns 450 calories/hr)
    * Swim (burns 500 calories/hr)
    * Cross Country Ski (burns 500 calories/hr)
    * Hike (burns 500 calories/hr)
    * Do Step Aerobics (burns 550 calories/hr)
    * Play squash (burns 650 calories/hr)
    * Jump rope (burns 700 calories/hr)
    * Go for a run (burns 700 calories/hr)
To lose weight you must burn more calories than you consume.  One pound of fat is equivalent to 3,500 calories, so to burn fat, you must combine diet and exercise in order to lose and maintain weight loss.
Generally people cut out 500 calories a day, but cutting out 500 calories from your diet alone is quite a lot. By combining diet plus exercise, you can cut 250 calories out of your diet and you can burn off the other 250 calories per day by exercising.
Ideally, you should do a combination of both, (such as cut back 250 calories; burn an extra 250 calories).  So, if we go back to Sally`s example, she could cut out 250 calories from her diet, allowing her daily caloric intake to be 1,750 if she also burns 250 calories per day by going for a run for half an hour during her lunch break.  At this rate, Sally would be losing weight at a safe and steady rate, and she could keep this diet up long-term.
The key to sustainable weight loss is in the combining of diet AND exercise. You don`t have to deprive yourself of food and starve in order to lose weight.  You do not need to eat less food to lose weight,  instead, you need to consume fewer calories. With smart choices, this is very doable.
The key is to choose "low density" foods, which means foods that allow you to eat a larger portion sizes but that is lower in calories. These foods, including many fruits and vegetables, tend to contain more water and fiber. Try starting your meal with a low-density salad or soup (just watch the dressings and sodium) to help fill you up, so you eat less of your entrée.
Some substitution ideas are:
  • Instead of a Starbucks Grande Cafe Late (190 cals), choose a 16oz Coffee or Tea (5 cals) and save 185 calories
  • Instead of  a Glazed Doughnut (239 cals) , choose an apple (72 cals) and save 135 calories
  • Instead of a bag of corn chips (441 cals), choose 2 large carrots with 2 tbsp hummus (138 cals) and save 318 calories
  • Instead of pancakes with butter and syrup (520 cals), choose 1 cup cooked oats (166 cals) and save 354 calories
To lose weight and stay healthy, choose healthy snacks and meal plans, and exercise routines that you enjoy to cut 500 calories from your regular caloric intake, and you will be losing weight while remaining healthy, and you will be losing weight for the long-term!
Have a healthy one,
The Team @
Strip That Fat
The Strip That Fat diet is a two phase diet that reveals a quick weight loss routine as well as a focus for healthy living and long term weight loss.  Our goal is to help people lose weight using natural techniques and methods that leverage your own bodies capabilities.

Due Daniels
"Talk to Me"