Do You Know What Is Hip Hop?

MC stands for “Master of Ceremonies” or a person who “Moves the Crowd”. Most people know it as rapping. An MC usually recites rhythmic poetry on a beat. The flow, content, and delivery of the rhymes is important to an MC. Rakim would be an example of a legendary MC. Most of the time rappers start off trying to master 16 bar measures.
What is Hip Hop is a question: What is rap or gangster rap is another!
B-boying is also referred to as breakdancing. It started on the streets of New York primarily by African American and Latino kids. B-boys usually dance to what is called a “breakbeat”. Breakbeats usually have a slow tempo and a 4/4 drum pattern is used. If you want a great example of what b-boying is all about, then look up Crazy Legs from the Rock Steady Crew.
Graffiti is pretty much hip hop’s visual expression. Graffiti has been around long before hip hop, but when hip hop emerged Taki 183 was one of the most notable graffiti artist. Taki 183 would go around putting his tag all around the streets New York City. The 183 stood for his address (183rd Street in Washington Heights). Another pioneer of graffiti art was Tracy 168 who created the “wildstyle” graffiti. As a matter of fact, the movie “Wildstyle” will explain to you the life of a graffiti artist.
What is Hip hop?
Hip-hop is a young art form, but it has taken the world by storm. There have been many debates about hip-hop and what it is. What I know for sure is that it consist of the four elements I have just discussed. If you’re looking for a more authentic hip-hop feel, then get the movie “Beat Street” it reveals every element of hip hop. What is hip hop is a far separate question than what is rap culture or “gangster rap?” They have commonalities but they are very different.
Ben Walker
Ben Walker is a writer on the DueDaniels.com staff, a staff that writes about things going on in the world and how to improve your life in three major areas. Leave a comment and visit the website for more info! BTW…have you heard of these two homeless guys turn millionaires and what they are doing?