
January 25, 2011

Get Direct Sunlight Every Day

Get at Least 10 Minutes of Direct Sunlight Every Day

If you're on a tight schedule, see if you can just take a walk at least once a day in direct sunlight during one of your short breaks.  In the winter time, this is much harder due to the weather but it is still vital.


You need that direct sunlight every day.  That is why many older folks that do not break to Florida for the winter end up getting ill, even dying.  You end up lacking in vitamin D, losing you loads of energy.


Take a nutritional supplement with vitamin D (more than the RDA) to make up for the lack of direct sunlight or just get out there.


Let's do it - Be a Champion

January 24, 2011

Every Meal Add Some Fresh Vegetables (Preferably Raw)

It does not matter what diet you're on, add some raw vegetables to every meal.  The easiest way to do this is to eat a green salad (with very light or no dressing), veggie "snacks" (carrots, celery, etc.), or a small green smoothie.

If you're drinking a smoothie don't forget to chew! If your food is pre-liquefied it still needs the digestive benefit of your saliva.  Intake of veggies will boost energy levels and promote better digestive health.

If you have a juicer, you can juice your carrots, celery, beets, and an apple (to cover the taste buds) and have with your meal.  It is a great idea… also as a supplement you can add fiber shaker and put it on your meal. 

It's tasteless and you simply sprinkle it like salt over your food and you'll get a great intake of fiber, healthy fiber, not the whole wheat gluten fiber that tears up your small intestines. 

If you'd like more information on the food fiber send me an email at duedaniels @ gmail dot com


Let's do it - Be a Champion

January 23, 2011

Decision Strength

If you can really understand the depth of this particular habit, the impact on your life will be huge …

"Moral Strength" is your ability to choose the seemingly "hard right" over the "easy wrong."

In Mark Joyners excellent course, simple•ology 101, he talked about Strengthening Decisions and Weakening Decisions.

In the very moment of that decision, be aware of the fact that you can make a strengthening decision or a weakening decision, and be aware that after making the strengthening decision – something amazing happens to you:

You get stronger!

Even in that moment itself you can feel it happening. Try it.

Over time the strengthening decisions get easier and easier.


Let's do it - Be a Champion