
December 3, 2010

Replace Clutter with Plainness

If you live in a cluttered environment at work or at home, remove the clutter and your Energy will go up by reducing your mental Distress.

Loose papers, junk, or anything else that makes the space appear less than clean and tidy should be thrown out or stored somewhere out of site.

Once you have a baseline established, get in the habit of removing any new clutter immediately so it doesn't build up.  Many people like to say they are organized in the midst of their junk and clutter.


They may think so; but much clutter in the physical is clutter in the mental.  Cluttered desk is a reflection of a cluttered mind.  Boost your energy and mental health by organizing your home and office.


Two pretty good books on how to become "decluttered" are The Definitive Guide for Home Organization for Busy People many of my colleges speak highly of this book – and the other is DeClutter Fast, many of my peers liked this book as well.



All the best,


December 2, 2010

Move Around

Every morning do some physical movement. Even if it means just going out and taking a 15 minute walk or like I do in my building; I walk the stairs.

Also, every other hourly work break, do some mild physical exercise for a minute or two even if it's just stretching, jumping rope, or whatever you like. Just make sure you move and get your blood flowing.

You may look silly at work doing jumping-jacks or you may be labeled the office nut if you get out your desk and do 25 push-ups; but you'll also be the office over-achiever as well.

Over time, you'll want to increase the amount of exercise you perform as it is comfortable for you to do so.  It is amazing that these simple things will increase energy and alertness.



All the best,


December 1, 2010

Take Full Responsibility

It doesn't matter whose fault it is AND it doesn't matter what caused it.

The only person who can make it better is you – if you accept that, you won't waste any energy on blame or anger.

If someone did you wrong, judge it dispassionately. I'm not saying let them roll over you and take advantage. Protect yourself from anything they can do in the future, but don't waste any time feeling sorry for yourself, being angry at them, or giving in to hopelessness.

Take responsibility yourself and your Energy will go way up and you'll have a healthier mental state.

And of course, the best way to take responsibility is to take action to improve the situation.

You may not a be a person who is use to taking full responsibility; the way to fix this is a little self talk.  When something happens, if you're use to saying, "that guy messed me up," or "that gal ruined my day by cutting me off in traffic and making me late to work;" change that and say, "it's my fault" or "it doesn't matter" and take action to fix the matter. 

Pretty simple right!

Doing a daily task list of things you must do every day will make this habit automatic.



All the Best,


November 30, 2010

Drink Water Every Hour

This is a habit we all know we should do and we've all heard about it plenty of times but it is just plain ole hard to do.  Now a good way to start is to get some good tasting water.  I read in a publication that the best tasting water was the Fiji Water and next was the Dasani Water.  I personally like the Dasani, it has a clean taste and it has minerals added to it.


Now get a 24 pack and every time you take a break you should drink a cup of water.  If you cannot do it in one setting; then keep a glass or your Fiji or Dasani water at your work desk.


Researchers found that by keeping water at your desk; you will drink more water.  I've tried this for the last month and I have increased my water intake by 125% - I was only drinking 4 cups of pure water a day; and now I'm up to 9 cups simply by keeping a cup at my work desk each day.


I hope this habit works out for you too.


November 29, 2010

Take a Short Break Every Hour While Working

It is important to take a short break every hour to refresh the brain throughout your work day.  In the free Simpleology 101 course by Mark Joyner there is a downloadable tool that reminds you if you work on a computer to take a short break.

This tool will also help you to incorporate many of the other habits outlined here.

Taking a break will give you a chance to maintain your body. When combined with the other habits here you will be able to get much more done in the same amount of time and you will be able to work for longer periods with Energy to spare.


Take care today and take a short break.



November 28, 2010

Avoid Eating Refined Sugar

If you're addicted to or consume a lot of sugar, you may think this is an "unreasonable request" or you may think it's "impossible" to stop eating sugar.  Believe me; I'm a sugar-aholic myself; if you reach into my pockets you may find a brownie or cake crumbs…

Many years ago, the same things were said about tobacco.


Now the world is waking up to the poisonous effects of refined sugar. In fact, in some cities, people eating sugary foods are frowned upon in the same way smokers are.  Can you imagine; people telling folks to go outside to eat their sugary frosted flakes…

Removing refined sugar from your diet will eventually have a huge impact on your Energy. The week or so may be tough (you may be irritable or may feel your Energy is lower), but once you get past that you will definitely notice a huge impact on your Energy levels.

Note: beware of hidden sugar in your food.   Look for some of these labels; sucrose, corn syrup, anything that ends in "-ose" … These are some of the many ways sugars hide in your food. If you're unsure, take a look at the carbohydrate content on the label.   They are in just about every thing; but you want to see how many grams and begin your quest of avoidance or drastically reducing the amount you consume.

Simply eating piece of fruit can do wonders to curb your sweet craving.  The next best thing to do is to get on a good multi-vitamin; getting an abundance of minerals into your system will curb your appetite and sugar cravings.


If you can, strive to avoid overly sweet foods altogether to help retrain your palate, which has become accustomed to and reliant on sweet foods. However, if you absolutely must have something sweet, and a piece of fruit isn't cutting it, try a sugar alternative such as Stevia.

As one of my health mentors pointed out to me; sugar puts holes in people's teeth (especially those who lack a good intake of calcium); think about the damage it does to the other body organs.  Make this one a habit sooner than later.
