October 19, 2012
President Obama and Romney Get Some Laughs
Glad to see they can joke after heated debates...the hip hop community needs to take this route for things also.
October 18, 2012
Local Gas Prices are Just "F-ed" Up
This sucks |
Over the years local gas prices have become ridiculous. There are some gas stations that have even moved up to six dollars a gallon. Gas has become a serious topic because people need transportation. If you don’t have efficient transportation many people will barely make it to work or do anything. It is almost like it is better to stay home than gas up and work only to pay it to the pump. The government needs to do something about this problem immediately.
Local Gas Prices
Some people think gas stations are the reason local gas prices have skyrocketed. The truth is these recent spikes in gas are hurting gas stations also. This is because gas stations can’t raise prices quick enough. Gasoline prices are based on oil prices which gas stations have no control of. Most gas stations make the majority of their profit on the items in their store.
Many politicians say we need to drill, drill, and keep drilling for more oil. America has been doing this and gas prices are still soaring. To be honest local gas prices should be at an all time low. Demand for gasoline is low in America because people are starting to use fuel efficient cars, travel less because of the economy, and do fuel efficient things such as walk or ride bikes. Another reason is because many people are working from their homes these days. Since the dollar is losing value the gas prices are going to keep skyrocketing (see petro dollar
Local Gas Prices Having a Party on Consumers
So we do have a few solutions for gas prices. We can have an alternate source for energy; however for some reason many politicians frown upon that. Maybe they are just stuck with the idea that if we keep drilling the gas prices will magically change. So try to get a fuel efficient car, and try not to get a huge SUV or a mansion size vehicle.
Ridiculous Local Gas Prices Fuming Pumpers
If you must have your Hummer H2s then don’t complain about these wild gas prices because you know what you’re dealing with. Local gas prices are not going to get any prettier, so travel wisely.
Ben Walker
Ben Walker is a writer on the DueDaniels.com staff, a staff that writes about things going on in the world and how to improve your life in personal development, health, and making money online. Leave a comment and visit the website for more info! BTW…have you heard of these two homeless guys turn millionaires?
Kim Kardashian Worst-Dressed List?
Do you think this is a bad outfit for the Kardasher... LADIES lay in...Kim Kardashian certainly knows how to work an outfit. But when a look flopped on her recent stay in Miami, the reality TV star was the first to say so.

Writing on her blog, Kardashian, who is in Florida to film her show "Kourtney and Kim Take Miami," wrote on her website, "Ok, ok, I am putting myself on the worst dress list for this outfit!"
She included multiple photos, 'natch, of the fashion disaster: a leather mini paired with a big and bulky neon jacket that did not flatter her curvy figure.
Kardashian explained, "I wanted a little color while I'm living in Miami, so my intentions were good, but the cut isn't for me! You definitely need to be taller and thinner to pull this jacket style off!"
The star is no stranger to public critiques, and perhaps she felt she could stem the snark by being the first to say it. But, in her own defense, she noted that she chose to take a fashion risk -- she just wished out loud that her boyfriend, Kanye West, had told her the inconvenient truth about her ill-fitting outfit.
Kardashian continued, "Fashion is all about experimenting to try and find your style and you have some hits and misses along the way. The mirror was lying to me this day! Where were my sisters or my boyfriend when I needed a good opinion?"
Daily MultiVitamin Reduces Cancer in Older Men
This article was published in Time magazine or Time.com's health division. I know doctors that have been saying this for years (the mineral doctor) this is why it is no surprise to me and the millions of people who use multivitamins. Ideally if you just took the trace mineral selenium, you would enjoy VAST benefits, one being the ability to "reduce your risk of cancer." When you take selenium along with over 60 other minerals, you do more to prevent illnesses (including cancer) no matter what any publication's position is.
The bare reason that publications and test are so floppy shows that there should not be a one size fits all to supplements, but that the guiding principle is that minerals work if taken the right way. Vitamins and minerals are foods, they are supposed to be in our foods to give us nutrition value we need every day. And articles like this only validate what millions of people know and do. Put a heck yeah in the comments section if you believe in and use multivitamins!
Here is the original article published in Time.com
There hasn’t been strong evidence to support the idea that vitamins can combat cancer—until now.
In the first rigorous, long-term study of multivitamins and their effect on cancer, older men who took daily vitamins lowered their risk of cancer by 8% compared to men who skipped the supplements over an average of 11 years of follow up.
Participants included 14,641 male U.S. male physicians ages 50 and over for 11 years enrolled in the Physicians’ Health Study. The men were randomly assigned to take a multivitamin —Centrum Silver — or a placebo, and neither they nor the scientists were aware of their status. Overall, they were healthy; two-thirds exercised on a regular basis and only 4% were current smokers. The doctors’ mean age was 64. Nine percent (1,312) reported a history of cancer (excluding nonmelanoma skin cancer).
Daily MultiVitamin Reduces Cancer in Older Men
“It appears that there may be a modest benefit in preventing cancer in men over the age of 50,” said Dr. J. Michael Gaziano, lead author of the study, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) and chief of the Division of Aging at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, in a teleconference call.
Previous studies haven’t been so definitive, which is why the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans and the National Institutes of Health both decided that the evidence wasn’t strong enough to advise healthy people to take vitamins daily. One placebo-controlled study published in JAMA revealed that taking large doses of vitamin D supplements did not prevent colds or reduce symptoms in healthy adults any more than a placebo (of course because taking vitamins individually is unproductive). Another analysis of clinical trials found that omega-3 supplements do not reduce users’ risks of heart attack, stroke, or death from heart disease. And older women who took daily multivitamins were 6% more likely to die over a 19-year-period compared to those who did not take the pills. Higher odds of death were associated with vitamin B, folic acid, iron, magnesium, zinc, and copper supplements; calcium, however, was associated with a 10% lower risk of death in the women (probably based on misuse more so than the nutrition).
But because the participants in Physicians Health Study were randomly assigned to take vitamins or placebo, and because they were followed for a relatively long period of time, the findings may finally provide some clarity on the role that vitamins can play in suppressing cancer.
That doesn’t mean that vitamins are the antidote to cancer, or that they can offset cancer-causing behaviors like smoking or an unhealthy diet. It also doesn’t mean that vitamins are the only way to fight cancer. Skipping the vitamins and getting the same nutrients from a well-balanced diet can also be an effective way to keep tumors at bay. “A varied diet is associated with reduced risk of cancer, so a multivitamin may mimic the vitamins and minerals we get from that varied diet,” Gaziano said.
(duespot.blogspot.com makes no claims to guaranteeing health or healing by the use of supplements!)
Read up: http://healthland.time.com/2012/10/18/a-daily-multivitamin-reduces-cancer-risk-in-older-men/#ixzz29eVel8xw
October 17, 2012
Should Marijuana Be Legalized in America
Marijuana is the most used illegal substance in America. Many people don't see the big deal in legalizing marijuana. Especially since alcohol and cigarettes are legal. This is a touchy topic because marijuana is known to have both positive and negative effects on humans. When on forums, the question should marijuana be legalized in the United States is one that is battled back and forth sometimes without definitive positions.
Should Marijuana Be Legalized
Some people say if we legalize marijuana the cartels wouldn't be such a problem. Police say that would just make cartels produce more cocaine and heroin. Still, legalizing marijuana might not be a bad idea because 15 million people already admitted to being users in the United States. Even when people go to jail for drugs 40% of the cases are for marijuana.
There has definitely been talks about the government taxing marijuana. Because at the end of the day we all know Uncle Sam wants his cut of the “bread.” If the government taxes marijuana there would be less people going to jail for it. Then law enforcement would have more time to focus on heavier crimes; which really means law enforcement would be laid off or take on “furlough” days
Should Marijuana Be Legalized in the United States - What You Think?
The legalizing of marijuana is a weird topic to me. If marijuana is illegal then that means the government thinks the substance is bad for the people. If that's the case then why would doctors prescribe marijuana to certain patients? For example, patients with glaucoma. This topic is also strange because under certain circumstances marijuana is LEGAL in various parts of the country, but illegal in others. A product such as cigarettes that have absolutely no health benefits is legal, but marijuana, which is also hazardous to health, but does provide some good is banned!
Should Marijuana Be Legalized Everywhere
Over the years marijuana has not been seen as a hard drug. There are many celebrities who are open about their marijuana use as well. Being that cigarettes and alcohol are legal you might as well add marijuana to the list. I myself rarely see users of marijuana get out of control and belligerent. So again I ask what's the BIG DEAL, should marijuana be legalized in the United States? Lay in on the comments for me and share this on the forums, groups, social media, etc.
Ben Walker
Ben Walker is a writer on the DueDaniels.com staff, a staff that writes about things going on in the world and how to improve your life in three major areas. Leave a comment and visit the website for more info! BTW…have you heard of these two homeless guys turn millionaires?
President Obama and Mitt Romney Debates Round 2
If you missed it yester-night, the debates got a bit testy. In the first round of the 2012 Presidential Debates, President Obama decided to allow Governor Romney to sit there and lie, talk over his time, and be rude (he was still rude in round 2). In round two, the President had enough. He call the governor a liar (using the phrase "that's just not true" and shaking his head to some of Romney's 'facts'), the President (Obama) forced the moderator to keep the governor in control and to respect the time he is allotted to speak. The President was definitely back in aggressive form and made the governor look a bit out of sync.
Governor Romney mainly attacked the President on the last four year issues. When Romney was asked a question he would answer it briefly (or dance around it - oh yeah he has some moves) and then he would come back and lay down on President Obama's last four years. He pounced on the lack of jobs, the unemployment rate, and the fact that President Obama did meet everything he "promised" prior to taking office.
President Obama opened a few closet doors in the Romney history regarding his views and voting on issues in the past such as a tax program to protect the 5% who make the most. The President attacked Romney's immigration plan and he attacked Romney for saying he has a plan for the economy but is not willing to share it in detail with 'the people' before he gets into office.
If Romney took the first round of debates, this round was won by President Obama. The issue of how the President reacted during the attack in Libya was a defining moment in the debates. In this debate they were largely facing the audience answering questions or towards the moderator. The President (Obama) turned and looked Romney in the pupils and told him it is not honorable for anyone to use politics in a touchy and sensitive situation such as the death of "our own."
President Obama and Mitt Romney Debates Round 2, there was definitely more fact "checking" on the floor. Romney was also busted by the moderator and the audience applauded when the moderator confirmed that President Obama did call the Libya attacks a terrorist act right away. Romney did a lot more fumbling his words after this moment and anyone on the fence about who won were tipped toward President Obama. Body language was key in these, and that is mostly what I watch, but the gloves were definitely out last night!
Due Daniels
DueDaniels.com Leave a comment and visit the website for more info! BTW…have you heard of these two homeless guys turn millionaires plan to bring jobs back to America? Find out RIGHT NOW!
President Obama and Mitt Romney Debates Round 2 (Yeah...It Went There...)
Governor Romney mainly attacked the President on the last four year issues. When Romney was asked a question he would answer it briefly (or dance around it - oh yeah he has some moves) and then he would come back and lay down on President Obama's last four years. He pounced on the lack of jobs, the unemployment rate, and the fact that President Obama did meet everything he "promised" prior to taking office.
President Obama opened a few closet doors in the Romney history regarding his views and voting on issues in the past such as a tax program to protect the 5% who make the most. The President attacked Romney's immigration plan and he attacked Romney for saying he has a plan for the economy but is not willing to share it in detail with 'the people' before he gets into office.
Mouth Pieces were Knocked Out in President Obama and Mitt Romney Debates Round 2
Now shake hands... |
If Romney took the first round of debates, this round was won by President Obama. The issue of how the President reacted during the attack in Libya was a defining moment in the debates. In this debate they were largely facing the audience answering questions or towards the moderator. The President (Obama) turned and looked Romney in the pupils and told him it is not honorable for anyone to use politics in a touchy and sensitive situation such as the death of "our own."
President Obama and Mitt Romney Debates Round 2, there was definitely more fact "checking" on the floor. Romney was also busted by the moderator and the audience applauded when the moderator confirmed that President Obama did call the Libya attacks a terrorist act right away. Romney did a lot more fumbling his words after this moment and anyone on the fence about who won were tipped toward President Obama. Body language was key in these, and that is mostly what I watch, but the gloves were definitely out last night!
Due Daniels
DueDaniels.com Leave a comment and visit the website for more info! BTW…have you heard of these two homeless guys turn millionaires plan to bring jobs back to America? Find out RIGHT NOW!
October 16, 2012
Birdman Buys Massive Miami Mansion!
Some people live good, some live really good, and some live like Rapper and Rap Industry Mogul, Birdman. Below are the specs on his crib...I am assuming if he brings a date home, it is going down (not just talking the panties). When I was fresher (younger), I use to wonder who the heck buys and lives in a home like this? It kinda does not even look like a home, but this is where your mind has to get away from stinking thinking (as it is called in personal development courses).
Most of us would love to live in a set like this; but we say it is too much because he could have bought a housing residence to house poor families or homeless people Guess what folks, he's done that; and by all means, if you're able to make a lot of money, you (in my opinion) are obligated to help a lot of people materially. At the same time, you're obligated to what you want to do also. Live lavish, eat well, talk big, but also remember you're human and all can vanish tomorrow at the sounds of a trumpet.
But you have to like Birdman's set up, he's still making that cash money and there is nothing to hate about that. This article I pulled from yahoo, you can read it below. Peace, and don't forget to visit duedaniels.com for info and articles related to personal development, health, and our favorite, making money. God bless, God speed
Hey, when you head up a record label called "Cash Money"--you gotta live up to the name, right? Hip-hop icon Bryan "Birdman" Williams, who's known for buying whatever he wants at any price, apparently takes this very seriously: He has just thrown down $14.5 million on a Miami mansion, which looks ornate even by music-mogul standards. In fact, the new pad actually resembles a luxuryhotel more than a private residence.
The property, which is in the exclusive Palm Island area, may not be as big as a full-scale mega-hotel--but it comes with resort-like amenities and certainly has room to accommodate more than a few overnight guests. It boasts 19,000 square feet, 9 bedrooms, and 17 bathrooms. According to Realtor.com, the home features 100 feet of waterfront, plus a mind-boggling pool area which rivals any private club in Vegas.
And, of course, it's got all the over-the-top touches Birdman will need to host friends like Lil Wayne and Nicki Minaj in style--25-foot ceilings, a 70-foot custom bar, massage room, home theater, and gym. No word if a bellhop has been hired yet, but we wouldn't be surprised.
As proof positive that Birdman is not exactly what anyone would call a penny pincher--he purchased an $8 million Maybach Exelero car in May--this particular house was not scooped up at a bargain price. It originally belonged to music producer Scott Storch, who was forced into foreclosure in 2009. The home was then scooped up for the relatively reasonable price of $6.75 million by Rockstar Energy Drinks co-owner Russell Weiner...who clearly just made a tidy profit on his investment.
Don't worry too much about Birdman losing out on a deal, though. His wallet clearly isn't crying:Forbes named him one of hip-hop's five wealthiest artists in 2011, with a net worth of about $100 million.
October 15, 2012
Texas Hold 'Em Poker Fun and Games
Texas hold ‘em poker started in the early 1900s at Robstown, Texas. In 1967, Crandell Addington and few other poker players introduced Las Vegas to Texas hold ‘em. Around that time the Golden Nugget Casino was the only casino to play Texas hold ‘em. The decor and scenery of the poker room was not very attractive in those days. All that changed over time nevertheless.
Texas Hold ‘em Poker on the Rise
Texas Hold 'Em Poker was even Released on Apple |
Due to media and television Texas hold ‘em has seen a large spike in popularity. Texas hold ‘em tournaments have been on television since the 1970s, but ratings didn’t move up or spike until 1999. This was the first time lipstick cameras were introduced. Lipstick cameras allows the viewer to see the players face down cards. That way the viewers can get in on the excitement a little more.
Online poker also has much to do with the explosion of Texas hold ‘em. You can play poker online for cheap and still build your bankroll. Online poker is also anonymous which helps people to be more comfortable betting. Many people win tournaments at online poker, and online poker is where many professional poker players get their start to the game of Texas hold ‘em. Nowadays you have to be careful though and do research, because most online poker sites are illegal in the U.S.
The Explosion of Texas Hold ‘Em Poker
Another reason for the popularity of Texas of hold ‘em are the players. There have been many poker players who have become celebrities. Phil Ivey for example is known as the “Tiger Woods” of poker. He’s won multiple tournaments and bracelets in poker. He also allows the viewer take a look at his lavish lifestyle. Texas hold ‘em poker has also become popular because there have been novices who win poker tournaments. So many people looking to start playing poker have a ‘if he can do it I can do it’ mentality. Which is true but not always true.
Be Cautious and Learn Texas Hold ‘Em Poker Before Your Play
Texas hold ‘em has come a long way. You can even find celebrity matches on television now. Texas hold ‘em is not like any other betting game in a casino. Primarily because Texas hold ‘em is a game of strategy with a little luck. It’s no longer looked at as a rough game to play like when it first came on the scene.
Ben Walker
Ben Walker is a writer on the DueDaniels.com staff, a staff that writes about things going on in the world and how to improve your life in three major areas. Leave a comment and visit the website for more info! BTW…have you heard of these two homeless guys turn millionairesand how they can show you how to make the money like super crazy Texas Hold ‘Em Poker Winnings? Find out RIGHT NOW!
October 14, 2012
Violence in Chicago is Too Much
The violence in Chicago has recently been getting a lot of attention worldwide. There are many street gangs throughout the city of Chicago that makes it a very dangerous place to live in urban poverty stricken areas. Even though the media has been covering Chicago violence recently, it’s important to know that violence in Chicago has been here a long time. There’s even been worse times in Chicago believe it or not.
Violence in Chicago
The first major rise of violence in the city was 1974. Chicago had 970 murders during that time. When the 90s started the homicides started to grow again. The most significant time was 1992, Chicago had 943 murders. As time went on the murders started to decline. By the time 2000 came around Chicago was down to 633 murders.
As 2004 approached, Chicago got the murders down even further; there were 453 murders that year. Chicago Police Department says what really helped murders decrease were the surveillance cameras that were put up throughout many of Chicago’s rougher neighborhoods. Even though that might sound good, Chicago’s murder rate was still way above average. As of right now Chicago currently has 505 murders. So it seems like violence may be trying to peek back up.
Violence in Chicago 2012 Improving?
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Violence in Chicago is Affecting People |
If you are from Chicago, you already know when the summer hits you can usually expect the murder rates to rise up and be high. Most people are murdered between 7pm and 5am. There have been a few murders in Chicago that has gotten national attention. For example, the murder of Derrion Albert. Derrion Albert was caught in a brawl and beaten to death with railroad tie near Fenger Academy High School. Even President Obama had to weigh in on the senseless violence in Chicago.
Even though the murders have decreased from the 90s era, there is still much work to be done in Chicago. There are rumors that the National Guard may come and try to clean up the streets. We must also keep in mind that most of these murders take place in poverty stricken areas. So until these poverty stricken areas get some resources, there is always going to be high crime rates.
What Can We Do About Violence in Chicago
Community leaders and government officials have to understand the correlation between poverty, lack of education, and violence. We can fix a generation if we provide better education and improve monetary systems for people to work and start businesses. We have to do this to assist the decrease of violence in Chicago going forward.
Ben Walker
(South Side Chicago Native)
(South Side Chicago Native)
Ben Walker is a writer on the DueDaniels.com staff, a staff that writes about things going on in the world and how to improve your life in three major areas. Leave a comment and visit the website for more info! BTW…have you heard of these two homeless guys turn millionairesand how they can empower the senseless violence in Chicago by address poverty and poor education?
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