
July 16, 2008

Keeping Control

Life usually presents the easiest or easier thing in front of us first, then shows us what the correct thing to do is, which of course appears much more difficult.

It's easier to throw your cloths on the floor, it's easier not to take a shower, it's easier to use dishes and leave them on the table (not even put them in the sink for someone else to wash).

Because all of these things are easier - careers are born and great men or women who find out all the things that are easier NOT to do, they do them and become filthy rich. Thus showing us the majority of us are lazy and take the easier path.

This plays into keeping control of ourselves; and not always taking the, "easy-road." When we get angry we take the easy road and yell, swing, smote, or in bad cases, kill our target. That is the easy road. You felt the anger first, lost control and boom. The easy thing always shows up first.

Understanding this we should always take to thinking twice - as the right thing to do will show up. This will force you to keep control and make the good decision.

It's not an easy thing to do - so it's best to practice...everyday.

Due Danielz

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