
January 12, 2010

Have you made a New Year's Resolution?

Hi, this is a good article from the Strip That Fat Team...

Same New Year's Resolution, Year After Year...

If you have ever made a New Year's Resolution to lose weight and found yourself making the exact same promise the following year, because not only have you not lost any weight, you have actually gained weight since the previous year, you are not alone.

BUT...wouldn't it be great if you could stop this cycle?

Well the good news is, you CAN!

How to Lose Weight THIS Year

You don't have to keep making the same weight loss promises to yourself that you don't intend to keep.  You really can lose weight and feel and look better this year, you just have to make it a priority in order to make a real change.  Here are a few tips to make sure you really do lose weight this year!

(1) Write Down Your Goals

The best way to keep on track with your weight loss plan is to write down why you want to lose weight, how much weight you want to lose, and what the benefits will be when you do lose weight (like feeling better, fitting into your favorite "skinny" jeans again, being healthy etc).

It is also a great idea to keep a food and exercise journal, so you can't make any excuses and you can really keep track of everything you're eating. You can even include pictures in your journal along the way to see how far you've come and to stay inspired.

(2) Set A Date

If you simply say that "I am going to lose weight this year," it is easy to put off.  By setting a definite date, you will have something to strive for.  For example, you could say that by June you will have lost 5 pounds and will be attending a spin class regularly.  Big changes don't happen overnight, so setting dates along the way will keep you on track.

(3) Remove Temptations

The first step is to get rid of all the unhealthy snacks and foods that you will be tempted to indulge in around the house.  Not having that bucket of ice cream of that family size bag of Cheetos around the house will eliminate any possibility of you gorging on them at 2 in the morning after a hard day at work.  Instead, replace the bad snacks with good ones, like carrots and hummus, apples and almond butter, trail mix and water)

(4) Make the Goal With Friends

Chances are you have friends and family who want to lose weight this year too. If you can make the promise of weight loss together, you can help each other along the way by offering support and encouragement. It is a lot easier to get out of bed and go for a run if you have a friend to hit the pavement with.

(5) Do Exercise You Love

Hate going to the gym? Find running hurts your legs? No Problem. Exercise does not mean spending hours at the gym or running for 5 hours a day.  Exercise should be something you enjoy that makes you feel better, so find what you love.  You can swim, hike, bike, dance, play tennis, play golf, or even just walk with a friend.

You can also incorporate exercise into your life by walking to work instead of taking the bus a few times a week, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, or even skipping rope or doing squats in the ads of your favorite TV show.  Find exercise that works for you, and you can keep it up for the long-term.

(6) Don't be afraid to get help!

Many people are stubborn.  That is human nature.  However, it can prevent you from really losing weight.  For example, we have worked with many people that have broken their "head strong" pattern and came to us for help.  The Strip That Fat diet has helped even the most stubborn, I can do it myself dieters because of its simplicity and the fact that it does not focus on fad dieting, rather techniques that you can use in your normal life.  You do not have to be some fitness nut to succeed with Strip That Fat!

Check it out if you get a chance:

By following these tips, you really can lose weight this year, and you won't have to keep making the same New Year's Resolution! Find a happier, healthier you for 2010!

Have a wonderful day!

The Team @
Strip That Fat

The Strip That Fat diet is a two phase diet that invokes a quick weight loss routine as well as a focus for healthy living and long term weight loss.  Our goal is to help people lose weight using natural techniques and methods that leverage your own bodies capabilities.
Try the Strip That Fat diet today risk free!

Due Daniels

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