
August 9, 2010

Are Vitamins and Mineral Supplements Expensive?

Let's face it... the price of having good health today, to some may be worth dying. Truly, you may be better off slowly dying

To get healthy organic foods nearly tacks on an extra 5 to 7 bucks per item at your local whole food stores. Then come Dr. Wallach and other companies that have nutritional products and to consume them cost you...

So what are we to do...?

Even I spend and have a budget of $200 bucks for supplements alone; so how do we get around this?

I have three answers... and they might not be pretty to some but they are answers.

1) Nothing - keep doing what you're doing. Don't put oil in your car; and when it burns out all the money you saved in not putting oil in the engine you can spend on surgeries, hospital visits, and repairing the burn out! It is a funny type of insurance system...I told you it wouldn't be pretty…

2) Get the Basics - the basics is the Mighty 90; which gives you 90 ESSENTIAL nutrients the body requires. That is 16 vitamins, 12 Amino Acids, 3 Essential Fatty Acids, and a whooping 60 Minerals.

The vast amount of diseases is developed from the lack of minerals. You may get 20 of these minerals through the normal eating and that is if you are super conscious eater; you'll get 40 of these if you eat a good dog food product; but you won't get 60 from your standard diet.

So you can simply get the plant derived minerals. Here you'll get 77 plant derived minerals – here are some of the products that are just minerals… give me a buzz or email for details on these products


Item #: 13204 CHERI-MINS 32 OZ




These are 25 dollars or less… and if you break that down per day that is $.83 cents a day over 30 days…you can literally find that money in the couch of your love seat… or your car…


You can put an end to buying the 24 case of soda and just get the 12 pack and have room to get your minerals… I mean be creative and still maintain your health. Being healthy does not have to be an expensive task.

"Mineral man, what do we do about the amino acids, the vitamins, and the EFA's if we just get the minerals?"

Good question!

You'll probably get much of your vitamin intake from your fruits and vegetables; as for the amino acids, you can get these in beef, chicken, fish, and dairy such as milk, cheese, and eggs. As far as the EFA's if you consume salmon, tuna, sardines, mix nuts such as cashews, almonds, etc; and you'll get a fair amount of EFA (essential fatty acids).

Then you top it off with one of the 83 cents a day minerals I showed you above. There you have it; your health is not as expensive any more. You don't have to be upset about those darn expensive supplements.

3) the last thing you can do is promote the minerals - tell people about Dr. Wallach, let them listen to his CD lectures, tell people about the minerals and how they can get them… and when you do this you will get a percentage of the sale by your referral… each month your customers order.

What this will do is decrease and eliminates your cost of getting all the minerals you need and want. If you want the Mighty 90; THEN refer enough people and Dr. Wallach and Youngevity will forward you a check and you can purchase your minerals with that income.

To learn how to do this just send me an email and I will put you on the right path!

There you have it… no more expensive minerals! Have splendid week.

Here to help always!

The Mineral Man

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