
June 2, 2011

The Irony of Situations Makes Humor

In this clip from the movie 'Coming to America' the barber claims to have met Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., when his buddies dismiss his claim, he attempts to prove it with a story that would deem acceptable and believeable to people that it is a possibility he met Dr. King.

However, his story loses him all credibility because he took a non-violent Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and created a monster of him, claiming Dr. King would approach complete strangers, and would not even check to see if he had the right individual and sock them in the chest or mouth.

I have never met Dr. King, but from what I have seen in videos and credible accounts from others is that he was as non-violent as it came.  People spat in his face, and he kept walking... it could be he had the cameras on him then; but the fact remains the irony in this story is what made it a complete success in the humor category.

"Dr. King...! - "Oh, I thought you were somebody else."

They make it seem as if this guy was just a renegade... you gotta love it.

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