
August 19, 2011

The Baby Preacher Preaching


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As I watched this I had a few thoughts run through my minds... the first was this cat is pretty good.  He is going to be a very sharp adult when he gets older or he will be a very disturbed one.
My second thought was that he is pretty bold.  While there is a good chance he will be pretty embarrassed when he grows up to watch this depending on his upbringing; but for the most part, many adults cannot even get up in front of 3 people and speak plainly for the fear of public speaking.  Yet, this little boy did it and brought his all.

Now do not get me wrong; I'm not a fan of this because I believe it de-edifies God, which brings me to my third thought...

This kinda shows that the ability or skill in being a preacher is not all that hard.  I am willing to bet this kid cannot read; so what is he preaching? The baby preacher  is only preaching what he sees.  

You can learn from this... if you are trying to do something; if you bring the fervor, the excitiment, the passion to it; you can pretty much mimic who you want to be like and do it.

This baby preacher showed that being a preacher (as the world calls it) is pretty simple!  Get on stage, yell, let people understand 3 out of 10 words, whip off the sweat from your face, and be as animated as possible.  The one thing they forgot to do was bring the poor child some water to sip on... I believe he had another 5 minutes in him had he got some water.

The baby preacher is adorable, cute, but I personally believe it takes away from God, especially to do that during a real church service; because it allows so many people to poke fun and not take God serious.  I mean they have a baby onstage.

Sure I know out of the mouth of babes; but understand God's protocol.  I do not think another religion would do that and air it; but then they may all follow suit now!

Due Daniels

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