
January 5, 2012

2011 Klaus Schwarz Commemorative Medal Winner

This morning Dr. Joel Wallach was awarded the prestigious 2011 Klaus Schwarz Commemorative Medal, this Scientific Award Recognizes the Discovery of the Selenium/Cystic Fibrosis Link

Sponsored by the International Association of Bio-inorganic Scientists, Inc. (IABS), it recognizes the work of pioneers in the field of trace element research and is named after Klaus Schwarz (1914-1978), a leading trace element researcher best known for his discovery of the vital need of selenium.  Congratulations Doctor Joel, we are SO proud of him and his dedication to not only our research, but to helping people all over the world become healthy!

What a way to start 2012, with such a great award.  Those who do not know Dr. Joel Wallach, he is responsible for making it legal to say, "you can reduce the risk of breast cancer by up to 70% by the simple intake of the trace mineral Selenium."  Way to go ... get some selenium today visit Youngevity Products!

Due Daniels
Youngevity Associate

1 comment:

Robert said...

Dr Wallach you are a TRUE messenger of health to empower people for better health and longevity. Congrats and may the good LORD continue to bless you.