
September 26, 2012

Getting Focus Getting Clarity

Bad-ass Focus and Clarity

Hey it’s Due Daniels, I’m chilling here on Yom Kippur aka day of atonement and this video (below) really expresses what I was able to dig through in my recent trip to San Diego for a Personal Development/Marketing summit. It is the focus and clarity; and when you have those two together, you become great. If you have focus and clarity about your spiritual life, about learning the Bible, about your business, about your family, about your career, about WHATEVER it is you want to do, you automatically become great.

Use Super Focus and Clarity to Become Great

Michael Jordan had mad focus and clarity when it came to playing basketball, Kobe Bryant, now Lebron James. Bill Gates has it, the late Steve Jobs had it, and every person out there doing it in a great way has it. It begins with having a clear intention… know what the heck you want, and it must be very specific. If you’re a Christian you can’t say I just want to be a good person or I want to go to church every Sunday…WHAT THE HECK IS A GOOD PERSON and what the heck is weekly Sunday service?
You have to be definitive about this stuff…for example what is the ultimate goal for a Christian? My opinion would be to achieve eternal life with Jesus Christ, then gosh darn it, you have make something like that your intention and get clarity on it. It is then you increase your focus so that every day you’re striving to get into the future Kingdom of God…insomuch you are already in the Kingdom of Jesus in your mind. You’re walking like Him…
But it begins with some pretty super focus and clarity. Enjoy the video below, Happy Yom Kippur to you or Day of Atonement. Get focused, get clarity, get greatness!

Due Daniels

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