
October 17, 2012

President Obama and Mitt Romney Debates Round 2

President Obama and Mitt Romney Debates
If you missed it yester-night, the debates got a bit testy. In the first round of the 2012 Presidential Debates, President Obama decided to allow Governor Romney to sit there and lie, talk over his time, and be rude (he was still rude in round 2). In round two, the President had enough. He call the governor a liar (using the phrase "that's just not true" and shaking his head to some of Romney's 'facts'), the President (Obama) forced the moderator to keep the governor in control and to respect the time he is allotted to speak. The President was definitely back in aggressive form and made the governor look a bit out of sync.

President Obama and Mitt Romney Debates Round 2 (Yeah...It Went There...)

Governor Romney mainly attacked the President on the last four year issues. When Romney was asked a question he would answer it briefly (or dance around it - oh yeah he has some moves) and then he would come back and lay down on President Obama's last four years. He pounced on the lack of  jobs, the unemployment rate, and the fact that President Obama did meet everything he "promised" prior to taking office.

President Obama opened a few closet doors in the Romney history regarding his views and voting on issues in the past such as a tax program to protect the 5% who make the most. The President attacked Romney's immigration plan and he attacked Romney for saying he has a plan for the economy but is not willing to share it in detail with 'the people' before he gets into office.

Mouth Pieces were Knocked Out in President Obama and Mitt Romney Debates Round 2

President Obama and Mitt Romney Debates
Now shake hands...

If Romney took the first round of debates, this round was won by President Obama. The issue of how the President reacted during the attack in Libya was a defining moment in the debates. In this debate they were largely facing the audience answering questions or towards the moderator. The President (Obama) turned and looked Romney in the pupils and told him it is not honorable for anyone to use politics in a touchy and sensitive situation such as the death of "our own."

President Obama and Mitt Romney Debates Round 2, there was definitely more fact "checking" on the floor. Romney was also busted by the moderator and the audience applauded when the moderator confirmed that President Obama did call the Libya attacks a terrorist act right away. Romney did a lot more fumbling his words after this moment and anyone on the fence about who won were tipped toward President Obama. Body language was key in these, and that is mostly what I watch, but the gloves were definitely out last night!

Due Daniels  Leave a comment and visit the website for more info! BTW…have you heard of these two homeless guys turn millionaires plan to bring jobs back to America? Find out RIGHT NOW! 

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