
October 22, 2012

Should Guns be Legal Everywhere in the United States

Gun laws are serious topic in the United States of America. Many people are pro guns, and of course many are anti guns. It is a good question, should guns be legal everywhere in the United States? There are lots of innocent people getting killed these days. We see murders everyday on the news due to gun violence. So of course it’s humans natural instinct to want to put a stop to the situation, or protect themselves.

Should Guns be Legal Everywhere in the United States

In America’s constitution the American people have a right to bear arms, this is the second amendment.  The amendment says: A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.  This amendment has always been controversial. The people who are for guns only focus on the second part of the passage, and the people who are against guns focus on the first part of the passage.

Should Guns be Legal Everywhere in the United States?

If most people carried guns then I believe there would be less crime in America.  Criminals would think twice before committing a reckless act. You would be less willing to rob a bank if you thought over 50% of the people were carrying heat. Criminals commit these crimes because they believe 9 times out of 10 nothing will happen to them. It’s also a shame that people who are trying to get a gun the legal way to protect themselves have to go through long processes. Meanwhile, the person who’s looking to rob someone, chances are he/she didn’t get their gun the legal way.

We should also remember guns don’t kill people, PEOPLE KILL PEOPLE. Humans have a violent nature if put in certain situations. If guns didn’t exist then people would just be stabbing each other at an alarming rate. That’s why the issue is not only guns. The issue is also poverty, low self esteem, stress, and any other of life’s roadblocks.

Should Guns be Legal Everywhere in the United States

So should guns be legal everywhere in the United States? I say yes, because I don’t think people are going to stop committing heinous crimes. If a person is desperate enough he/she will go to extremes to get what they’re looking for. So with that being the case, it’s only right for someone to protect their assets and even their life if there’s people like that walking around.

Ben Walker
(Carrying my gun)
These are two dudes that have to carry guns once they went from homeless to millionaire status…listen to their story now!

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