
November 23, 2012

Kid Gawking after Hawks Cheerleader's Candy

This pulled from USA Today - This kid did what every man who lives after the flesh does or would do.
At a Wednesday's game between the Atlanta Hawks and Washington Wizards, this kid experienced the same reaction many guys would experience but disclose their reaction and the moment was captured by television cameras. The kid turned out to be the younger brother of the Hawks' Al Horford.

There's also a video below where he is actually brought out of his seat to check out the rest of what this cheerleader was packing, I mean had to offer.
The screenshot is nearly perfect; I thought he was originally gawking at the candy. The video shows that the child is like most kids on camera - Hamming it up.

Oh, who are we kidding? It's still hilarious. The only way it could have been better is if he had been wearing sunglasses and whipped them off with authority.

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