
January 1, 2008

Can you make $80k in 2008

If someone told you you can make $80k guaranteed this year just like you were offered a new job; would that interest you?

What if it could be in any field you had the most interest in? Well this is exactly what is being offered this month for the year of 2008.

Click here for details

Dollar by dollar this training is going to walk you through. To help you get some proof; I thought I'd give you a few tips for:

 How to create a Fiery Marketing follow up email campaign so seductive that it will drive money and leads into your business whether you're at work or on the 18th hole.

 How to magnetically attract your customers to you, so that you don’t have to chase them down like a worn out salesman.

 The detailed answer to this question: “Antonio, what do I need to do to take my business to the top? I want to make six figures within 18 months or sooner. What do I need to do?”

 How to create a "Magnetic Fiery Personality" that will attract your prospects, teammates, and even members of the opposite sex to you instantly...

 Find out how to use Google Adwords to attract more people to your website with proven ads and how to use Google like you work for them.

 How to build a Rolodex of THOUSANDS of other network marketers who will learn to trust you, like you, and join you... All without having to make a single phone call or spamming.

 Discover the 6 embedded human characteristics that motivate every single decision your prospects make, and how to use this knowledge to your advantage.

 Learn the 5 part formula for creating Fiery ads and sales letters that will pull your readers into a "buying trance", and then triggers a genetic response which leaves them with no choice except to buy your product!

 How to get your leads to PAY YOU before you even talk to them (industry buffs love hiding this away from average guys).

 How to achieve 100% multiplication within your growing organization so you can create hundreds of successful business partners and turn them into leaders that work as one, rock-solid team.

 The one and only way to get rid of all the "$0.00's" in your business' genealogy report and increase the length of time people continue to order your product and stay in your business.

 Learn the difference between "sorting" and "selling", and why only fools sell! <-- The biggest rookie mistake of them all!

 Why the fastest way to achieve massive success is to stop promoting your opportunity.  How to turn your retail customers into loyal new business partners for your primary mlm opportunity virtually without effort! (They will ask to join you!)

 If you haven't chosen a company to partner with, I'll show you how to pick the right company for maximum profit and longevity so you can avoid the mistakes I made and make sure that your time, money, and efforts are well invested. (100% generic info and insight!)

 How to recognize the difference between a product that creates fanatical, life long customers and those that will eventually lead your business to a major bomb.

 Discover the 9 characteristics that every single 6 and 7 figure earner in this industry has in common, and how to integrate them into your business over night.

This program we're very excited about; the only thing is we can only allow 150 active students to take part due to the important of giving everyone individualized attention. We even put a very special guarantee in writing that will blow your mind.

Hustle over and get the details - it could be for you or a friend.

Antonio Dannes & Ndueso N Udoiwod
Home Business Growth Experts

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