
January 2, 2008

It's not Easy - new years resolutions

Good day everyone; Due Daniels here;
I remember back in the day a popular rapper use to say, "it ain't easy being me."

I couldn't agree with him any more. It is starting to become hard just to be me. First off, things come to me easily and effortlessly. I know; how does that make it hard to be me?

It's because I see people really up against the wall because they are having all kinds of troubles professionally, in their business, family, etc. I just think, "it could be so much better for them."

The thing is sometimes we don't really take inventory or our lives. When you don't take inventory; just like in a store you don't know what's coming in and what's going out. This is a lack of focus and if we don't control our focus; we'll focus on the wrong things and that is when life will get out of control and in some cases things become unrepairable. So let me give you some quick tips to focus and to focus on the right things so it can start being just as hard for you to see others struggle because of how easy things are for you.

Number 1:

Think of one goal -- I don't care how small it is (it could be stop biting my tongue when I chew gum). And focus on it. To reverse something negative you have to put it in a positive way like saying, "I'm a successful gum chewer."

Number 2:

Write down all of your daily task and stick to them. Do not do anything else until the task on your list are finished.

Number 3: Jot down at the end of each day how the day went. Was it good, was it bad; was it successful; was it unproductive. Be honest with yourself. After a week, month, 2 months, you will see that you have a stat. Perhaps 20 out of 30 days you felt productive and happy. You can then pinpoint what went wrong on the other days by the notes you have along them. I get this from reading books; and tried it out. People who know me know now days I keep track of every single thing.

It helps me keep control of my life. Big companies do it; that is why they can make honest projections on how they will do in a new year. All they have to do is look back at how they performed this time of the year the last five years.

If you have a new years resolution; this is the best way to make sure it sticks past the month of January. Now to end; this was a blog insert from NBA superstar Gilbert Areanas. I really liked it and think it is very useful; so I definitely want to share it you:

This whole little 31st to the 1st to the 2nd, I’ve been figuring out my New Year’s Resolution. I was going around ear hustling everybody else and trying to figure out what their’s was.

They say some stupid stuff sometimes. Like some impossible stuff and you wonder why you can never stick to it. Like, “I’m going to be happy every day.” Or, “I’m not going to be mad … ever.” I’m like, “OK, I’ll see you next week … angry.”

But mine this year, I got a good one, I’m going to help everybody out: [this is how] You have to write down everything whether you are happy or not. Just if you were happy or not, that’s it.

Write down if it was a full day of happiness, a half day of happiness or if you were just sad and something happened to mess up your day. You just write it down every day. For instance, on the 1st, I was happy. Day 2, I was happy. So that’s two out of two in 2008 so far.

I’m just saying, it let’s you know how many days you was actually happy in that month. So if you get 25 out of 30 days happy in that month, you’re doing good. Even 20 days out of 30, that’s pretty good. It lets you know that you’re doing OK.

If you’re at 15 and 15, you need to reevaluate yo’ life. If you’re happy every other day, that ain’t too good. People get to actually look at what’s going on and review back on that month and be like, “Oh that’s what made me mad on this day,” and this and this and this. You don’t need to write down what made you happy. You write down what made you mad, because you can figure out what made you mad for it not to be a happy day and try to change it in the future.

Like, “I got a ticket and it messed up my whole day.” You can look back and be like, “Man, did I really let that ticket effect me?” You know, stuff like that. I came up with this by just listening to people. Just listening here and there. Stuff like, “I’m going to go to church EVERY SUNDAY!”

“Were you at church every Sunday last year?” “No, I only went twice.” “Well, you’re only going to go twice this year too. You’re going to go right now, and most likely, Easter.”

People’s expectations are just too-too high as soon as this New Year kicks in. It messes them up. Like, “Oh yeah! In 2008, I’m going to be rich!” OK, you was poor and broke for the last 27 years, and this is going to be the year? OK … what are you ‘bout to do, rob a bank?

Happiness takes care of everything else. It lets you see stuff. It lets you see opportunities going on around you. If you have an open, happy mind, things fall in your lap. Things happen for you. If you’re happy 25 days out of 31 and it’s promotion time … BOOM … that’s your chance. If you’re the office lady that everybody hates, well, you’re probably going to have another miserable month.

Opportunities seem to find their way when you’re on the up-and-up and upbeat. I’m not saying just going out there and start smiling every day, but just monitor. Monitor your day by day for the New Year. This is for all the people who are going out there saying they want to be happy for the New Year and they want something different in their life.

Start monitoring.

Make it a good year; and I'm not talking about tires. Peace and grace

Due Danielz

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