consisting of, attended with, characterized by, or containing fire: a volcano's fiery discharge.
intensely hot: fiery desert sands.
like or suggestive of fire: a fiery red; angry, fiery eyes.
intensely ardent, impetuous, or passionate: fiery courage; a fiery speech.
easily angered or provoked: a fiery temper.
causing a burning sensation, as certain liquors or condiments.
inflamed, as a tumor or sore.
Mining Older Use.
highly flammable.
containing highly flammable gas.
the act of buying or selling in a market.
the total of activities involved in the transfer of goods from the producer or seller to the consumer or buyer, including advertising, shipping, storing, and selling.
So in the simplest sense, highly flammable and intensely hot transfer of goods from the producer to consumer using advertising, shipping etc. That is kind of a long domain name for me; so I settled with Fiery

If you had a pulse in 2005 when I put this book together with my business partner Antonio Dannes and you used the methods, you are probably happy in life. If you haven't do not be saddened.
I have rehashed Fiery Marketing and created Fiery Marketing 2.0 - this is the next level of next levels. I start this one focusing on MLM & network marketing. So properly it should be called Fiery Marketing 2.0 for Network Marketers.
It is my best work ever, and anyone who chooses to pick this measly priced book up will make at least $50k this year from home on a part-time basis, with any business opportunity they select (income disclaimer). The blueprint of how I have built my business is in this book/course (which ever you want to call it).
I've very happy, and very excited about our launch which will take place tomorrow election day (if all works well). If we have a hold up; please be sure to check my blog or the website for details. 2009 starts now; and this book is going to teach you wealth. So wealth does equal FM 2.0.
Due Daniels
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