Happy New Year; I put Roman year because Rome is responsible for changing the new year from the beginning of spring as it was in times old and placing it in the middle of winter (ole Jan 1st) however that's neither here nor there.
But don't you find it weird that the new year begins in the middle of a season...anyway...yeah it's just like a new day begins in the middle of the night. It's weird but accepted; so happy new year to you. Each country has its own new years so let's roll with the punches.
If you remembered last year when I posted about resolutions you may remember the post about setting goals and monitoring it each day. If you did it throughout the year; excellent, if not don't beat yourself up, you were not alone, like Michael Jackson (reference to his song).
It is a difficult task with the speed of life moving constantly. However; I urge you to dig deep, get a note pad, back pocket size and monitor your goals. Things like if you're happy and if you are not write it down and write down what you're not happy about.
You'll soon find that even releasing it will make you feel much better and help you get a grip on what bothers you so you can work on it to fix it. New resolutions come with new goals. Now in a month about 99% of people will have totally abandoned there goals. No problem; it happens. But if you want to be part of the one percent who keeps going strong this is what you need to do.
First establish your goal. For me it's to add an additional $1,000 each month of
the year until December in the form of business. So if I'm making $4,000 per month by the end of January I need to have made $5,000. By the end of February $6,000, March $7,000, and so on and so on...

Now each day in the note pad (I spoke of earlier), I'm going to jot down if I moved closer, further, or no where in reaching that goal. This is what you need to be doing each day. It could be with a relationship with someone. Did you improve, hurt it, or keep it level.
I put mine in a blog so that you can keep me accountable and of course ask to borrow a dollar each month I attain my goal. I have a buddy and friend who is creating an outstanding software & system that I can't wait comes out (I can't speak on it); but until then I want you to check this one out.
As far as goal setting this is top of the line. It's an affirmation software that combines the strongest elements to make an affirmation stick & product results. If you have 10 minutes a day; 2009 will be leaps and bounds of a year for you. Read about the affirmation software today and start the path to meeting your goals in 2009!
I'm Due Daniels; and I'm glad you made it here today. And I want to give a special thanks to all my readers especially you all who read it consistently, it is really meant to improve and brighten your day. I hope this year becomes what you want it to be in your mind and that you visit Due's Spot regularly just to keep tabs.
To my friends who get annoying emails from me; I'm sorry but like I said it's with good intentions. Take care this year and let's all get a bit better shall we.
Times up; rock on
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