I wouldn't do that, instead I'd be wiser in how I handle or deal with that person. People make mistakes all the time. I'm the type of person that if I wronged you, you can be sure that it was not malicious or purposeful. I do not like strife and I don't like people being angry with me without a cause, so I attempt to do things that will please God first, then man.
If some wronged me and it was situational and not intentional, we can be back hanging out in a moment. I'm a forgiving person, that's me not everyone is like that but I am. But karma says you get what you give out; Jesus says have mercy so that you can obtain mercy. It more important with your business, personal, and professional relationships to find out what the intention was of someone offending you.
A great number of mistakes in the world were made with good intentions. Sometimes a joke goes too far, or you misplace something valuable, or you just lose track of time, or in anger you say something that was taken out of context. The person was not trying to hurt you.
It's important to look at your history with that person and see if they have been the type to maliciously harm you physically or mentally. I'll never forget the story of Balaam and his donkey. Balaam had used this donkey many years, just like us driving our cars for years on in. One day on a journey he was not suppose to take, his donkey saw an angel with a sword standing in the way and the donkey stopped short scared for it's life.
Balaam whipped the donkey with his rod. The donkey proceeded and saw the angel again; and it stopped short again. Balaam again whipped the horse. The third time the donkey pushed to the side road gashing Balaam's foot against the wall, and the frustrated Balaam began to curse his donkey and whip it harshly. Then the donkey spoke to Balaam calmly and asked, "all these years you have been riding have I ever done anything like this?"
Balaam answers "no." Then the donkey proceeds to wonder why Balaam is acting so harshly without finding out why or the donkey's intentions.
The donkey then shows Balaam what he saw, which was an angel standing with a sword, and the angel told Balaam if the donkey did not use discretion, of surety he would be dead. In your relationships find out the individuals intention, why did they do that and have mercy on their response. The best healing mechanism is forgiveness. Remember the last words of the most famous man ever to live, "forgive them Father for they know not what they do."
What's in your mind?
Due Daniels
*Check out www.MakeMoneyHourly.com for a step-by-step method to begin earning money hourly online and off. This guy's program was on CNN and CNBC and has lots of credibility. Join it with me today!
Due Daniels
*Check out www.MakeMoneyHourly.com for a step-by-step method to begin earning money hourly online and off. This guy's program was on CNN and CNBC and has lots of credibility. Join it with me today!
Due Daniels
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