
November 25, 2010

Stop Complaining – Start Doing!

Happy Thanksgiving today... Oh about the title...

The habit of complaining incessantly about what is bothering us, rather than doing something about it, is an epidemic of staggering proportion.

The act of complaining itself is, of course, an act.

You are expending Energy during the actually process of complaining.

Not only does it waste available Energy, the act itself actually trains you to feel and act in a "helpless" manner thus blocking you off from the Energy you do have available.   And this about what the helpless feeling does for your mental state?

Catch yourself whenever you find yourself complaining and simply stop. Choose in that moment to do something about it. Write down in your journal or notebook something you can do to improve or change the circumstances about which you are complaining.

NOTE: A better definition of this habit would be "stop complaining and choose another action that will bring about a desired reaction."


Complaining is an action – it's just an action that won't have the desired reaction. In fact, the reaction to complaining is usually quite undesirable on many levels (both for you and those who have to listen to it).

I'm taking a course by Mark Joyner and for a benefit for me I'm rehashing what I'm learning into blogpost and as a benefit for you; you are getting to learn some habits that should be discontinued and avoided; at the same time pick up some habits that will be great in your life.

There is Simplelogy 101 – the simple science of getting what you want and…


There is Simplelogy 103 – the simple science of having more energy ($97)- so please don't complain about the turkey and dressing today!


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