
July 13, 2012

Right Way to Pick a Husband

This was taken from author Robert Collier, and I just know it is so profound...

A girl picking a husband, if it were left to two main components to choose from - she can pick one with a lot of money and no brains, or she can pick one with no money but a lot of ability. In the former case, she will have a high time for a little while, ending most likely in divorce court (sometimes bitterly) or in her having a worthless young "rounder" on her hands with no money to pay the bills.

In the other, the start will be hard, but she is likely to end up with a happy home she has helped to build, an earnest, hard working husband who has "arrived" - and happiness.

This is certainly the better way to go; selecting things for the immediate gratification will wane; you know this and if you don't...WAKE UP...

In Life you gotta think long term in things, especially in terms of marriage. That's just the right way to pick a spouse.


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