
May 15, 2009

Future Home of Due Danz

I saw this home in Downers Grove Illinois (outside of Chicago); now it is not for sale I don't think but it looks like the home I want in the future.  I'm going to look into this home and I plan to purchase it or something like it in 12 to 18 months!

This picture is some of the interior that I would like to have inside of my home.  I like this set up here.  It's a cool cream, relaxing setting for relaxing company and conversation.

Here is a movie room I thought would be nice; I will also play the Xbox and PlayStation in here or something more cozy.  The sound system has to be up to movie theatre standards.
Also, I play chess; so we gotta have the chess room.

This is the room that will bring this whole house together; this is the home office.  You know, the basics, computer, laptop, printer, you can't see back over but there is a couch and love seat.

I must stay in shape so I will work hard to keep an indoor pool in the house to swim and run in.  I think swimming is a great exercise and so to get a pool will be an excellent choice.  Why in the house?  I don't want to swim in too much chlorine and I don't want to swim in other people's germs; you know swine-flu and all...

Here is another lounge-type room that is nice to my eyes.  

You can help me vote on which home office looks better.  Well really, which home office do you think I will get more work done in?

 I like spacey type of rooms as well.  Never mind the view because my home will be on the ground; but it is just the room setting I wanted in this photo.

Here is the living room; I like the furniture and setting.  It's kind of cluttered to me; but I will move a few things around.

My daughter loves Sponge Bob; so this would be an ideal room.  What about when she's a teenager; I'll use this room because I love Sponge Bob too.

Here is another children's room.  I know how many children do you have?  Let's keep moving...

Here is the entertainment room where we can play chess and have drinks.  I don't have many guest over now so I wonder who I will be playing against.

This is what my house I plan to purchase will entail...

Peace & Grace

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