
October 29, 2012

Should Cleveland Bus Driver Get His Job Back

Video is at bottom of article!
There was an heated altercation between a Cleveland bus driver and a female passenger days ago. The bus driver’s name is Atris Hughes and the female’s name is Shidea N. Lane. Shidea is twenty-five years old and the bus driver looks like he might be in his 50s or 60s (59 was reported). There were many passengers on the bus witnessing the situation. Many of the passengers pulled out their phones to record the incident. We are asking if the Cleveland Bus Driver Get His Job Back?

Should Cleveland Bus Driver Get His Job?

The story is, Artis Hughes told Shidea Lane she needed to pay to get on the bus. Shidea took offence to what Artis said and she started to verbally attack him. Artis, the Cleveland bus driver, started to verbally attack Shidea back as well. Many people on the bus started to laugh. The argument got even more heated and Shidea started to get out of hand. She spit on Hughes and then physically attacked him while he was actually driving the bus. He stopped the bus and told the girl “You’re going to hell now”.  She proceeded to verbally attack the bus driver, then he out of the blue uppercuts her and literally throws her off the bus. Artis Hughes has been suspended from his job, and the incident is still under investigation.

Now I’m not an advocate of men hitting women, but clearly Shidea Lane was in the wrong. She’s cursing out the bus driver because he’s telling her she needs to pay like everyone else. There were many people saying he shouldn’t have taken it that far too uppercut Shidea because she’s a female. I agree, but I also say why wasn’t she acting like a female the whole time? I noticed in the video nobody said anything when she physically attacked him first. Nobody shouted out, “GIRL BE A LADY, and stop the bullsh&t!” It didn’t become a REAL issue until he physically attacked her or as she said “mortal combated her.”

Should Cleveland Bus Driver Get His Job Back After Vicious Uppercut

Earlier I said, many people thought he took it too far, but surprisingly there have been many people who thought he did the right thing. There are even women who have taken the side of Artis instead of Shidea. Shidea was clearly reckless in her behavior. She was looking for trouble and she found it and it just so happen to be more trouble than she thought it would be.

Should Cleveland Bus Driver Get His Job Back After Vicious Uppercut To Female

So the question remains: Should Cleveland Bus Driver Get his Job Back After Vicious Uppercut To Female Passenger? My answer is he should absolutely get his job back. I’m not the only one who has these views. There are even people on Facebook who got a group together to help Artis Hughes get his job back. I’m sorry you got hit like that Shidea Lane, but you are definitely NOT the only victim in this situation. One guy in my barbershop said that she took the punch for all the females out there that display reckless behavior. Violence is never right, but sometimes violence corrects a situation.

The moral to the story is that HUMANS should not put hands on other people because you run the risk of them behavior like warriors in retaliation. Also we should keep calm and allow the authorities handle our vengeance. He should have just picked her butt up and removed her from the bus and waited on the police. Live and learn people!

Ben Walker
Ben Walker is a writer on the staff, a staff that writes about things going on in the world and how to improve your life in personal development, health, and making money online. Leave a comment and visit the website for more info! BTW…have you heard of these two homeless guys turn millionaires?

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