
November 4, 2012

Is Voting Really Necessary?

America has gone through drastic changes since I was born. Gas prices have skyrocketed out of control. Teachers are on strike now more than ever. Gay marriage has become a major debate. People are committing crime with no remorse. There are many more issues I could name. One of the ways many Americans feel we can have an overall positive change is to vote.  Still, there are some who think the voting process is useless. So the question I want to know is :  Is voting really that SERIOUS?

Is voting really Necessary?

There have been numerous rumors of the voting process being fixed. Many people think the government is corrupt. There is really little faith by the American people in the government and politics. Still, there are millions of people who get up and vote people in office who they think will make a change. I believe when President Obama and Hillary Clinton was running for president, it had people really interested in voting again.
The first black President or the first woman President was inspiring. President Obama ended up winning promising CHANGE, but as of 2012 things remain relatively the same. Sure he implemented some things, but ideally nothing has really changed. Some would go so far as to call it worse. A friend told me we are all just paying for hope.

Debate: Is voting really Necessary?

President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney is the story for 2012. Some people believe if Mitt Romney becomes President the world is doomed. They believe the rich will stay rich, and the poor will be even more poor than ever. Then again some people think Romney is just what we need to turn this country around. People have claimed Obama talked a good game when he started, but they have yet to see major CHANGE. Then there are some that argue he has made extreme changes from the reckless Bush Administration.

Is voting really Necessary?

Still I ask is voting really that SERIOUS? My response is absolutely. I didn’t always think like this though. I would see politicians lie their way into office and when they got there, absolutely nothing happened. A few days ago I went to vote and what made me change my mind was seeing all the common people who wanted a CHANGE in their life no matter what their reason for showing up was. This lets me know there is still life in the American people and people still cared. We also can never forget the people who died for the right to vote in past, that ALONE is a serious reason to vote. Go vote on November 6th 2012 because it is really that serious.

Ben Walker
PS: Voting is SERIOUS but earning money is even better… Get your $97 dollar blogging platform today for just $25 and start blogging and you could be screaming holding up checks like these (Click Here)!

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