
December 3, 2010

Replace Clutter with Plainness

If you live in a cluttered environment at work or at home, remove the clutter and your Energy will go up by reducing your mental Distress.

Loose papers, junk, or anything else that makes the space appear less than clean and tidy should be thrown out or stored somewhere out of site.

Once you have a baseline established, get in the habit of removing any new clutter immediately so it doesn't build up.  Many people like to say they are organized in the midst of their junk and clutter.


They may think so; but much clutter in the physical is clutter in the mental.  Cluttered desk is a reflection of a cluttered mind.  Boost your energy and mental health by organizing your home and office.


Two pretty good books on how to become "decluttered" are The Definitive Guide for Home Organization for Busy People many of my colleges speak highly of this book – and the other is DeClutter Fast, many of my peers liked this book as well.



All the best,


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