
December 1, 2010

Take Full Responsibility

It doesn't matter whose fault it is AND it doesn't matter what caused it.

The only person who can make it better is you – if you accept that, you won't waste any energy on blame or anger.

If someone did you wrong, judge it dispassionately. I'm not saying let them roll over you and take advantage. Protect yourself from anything they can do in the future, but don't waste any time feeling sorry for yourself, being angry at them, or giving in to hopelessness.

Take responsibility yourself and your Energy will go way up and you'll have a healthier mental state.

And of course, the best way to take responsibility is to take action to improve the situation.

You may not a be a person who is use to taking full responsibility; the way to fix this is a little self talk.  When something happens, if you're use to saying, "that guy messed me up," or "that gal ruined my day by cutting me off in traffic and making me late to work;" change that and say, "it's my fault" or "it doesn't matter" and take action to fix the matter. 

Pretty simple right!

Doing a daily task list of things you must do every day will make this habit automatic.



All the Best,


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